In a video shared by Vanderbilt University, you can see a group of students rushing into the building. The school claims that’s when a community service officer was assaulted.

As a result, four students were arrested. Three of them were charged with assault, while the other was charged with vandalism after the university said the student broke a window.

A statement from the university amidst the aftermath stated in part that the protest was “not a peaceful one. It began with the assault of a Vanderbilt Community Service Officer and continued with protesters physically pushing Vanderbilt Staff members.”

Vanderbilt protest: Students set to attend disciplinary hearing (

Apparently they are shocked that their misbehavior led to arrests. They are traumatized, apparently.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – This week, several Vanderbilt University students face possible expulsion, on top of legal troubles, after staging a protest on campus.

Those who were there called it “shocking” and “disappointing.”

The protest began after students claimed school administrators removed a proposed amendment to the Vanderbilt Student Government Constitution that would prevent student government funds from going to certain businesses that support Israel.


It is OK, I doubt pretty much something will ever happen to them as long as they promise to eat their vegetables and go to be before midinght.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Vanderbilt Students arrested.”
    1. Right before a jail sentence commensurate with a violent crime, and the lifetime criminal history that goes with it. It’s sad that this behavior has been tolerated until it will take a few destroyed futures for the rest to get the message that it’s unacceptable, but that’s not on us; we’ve been warning about it for years.
      Then charge higher education administrators as accessories for allowing actual violence in the name of “tolerance” and “equity” (how allowing only one side to be violent is “equitable” is beyond me); they are equally culpable for not heeding the warnings when the infractions were small.

  1. As long as these “higher learning” institutions foster the radical marxist ideas, the schools will reap what they sow.

  2. Obviously an insurrection with the goal of overthrowing University management.
    Each and every one of the people associated with the protest should do a minimum of four years in jail.

  3. Poor organization. Back when I was in college in the 1970s, I took part in a few demonstrations at my university. It was a well-orchestrated event, including the arrests. We worked out our path ahead of time with the local cops and the university cops. We told them where we would obstruct things, etc., so they could do traffic control, including a couple of stopped cars for the camera. We even went so far as to arrange the arrests ahead of time, and told the police who would be good candidates for being arrested. We guaranteed that they could be arrested without significant resistance. I remember one local cop coming up and telling us that the paddy wagon would be arriving in about 15 minutes and we needed to get our arrestees ready. So we did. We got them situated on the edge of the group so they could get into the wagon without being dragged a long distance. We got to have our demonstration. We made our point. We had our sacrificial arrestees getting handcuffed for the camera. And the cops had almost complete organizational control. It was a win-win.
    What *everybody* wanted to avoid was another Kent State moment. There are two types of protesters. The first just want to make a statement. The second want violence and want to tear things down. You have to be very careful not to mix the two. Back in my day, it was the SDS who were agitators. Today it’s Antifa and BLM.
    I think these new kids forget that in general the cops don’t give a rat’s ass about anything other than keeping some sort of order. You may not like the cops, and the cops may not like whatever it is you are protesting about, but the bottom line is that everybody wants things to be orderly with a minimum of injury. At the end of the day, everybody goes home and has a beer. If that’s understood up front, then things can go smoothly. If either side has a different agenda (and I’ve seen cops looking for trouble, too) , then things can go badly.
    I’m not going to say these kids are amateurs, since violence can be the goal of some of these things. And if violence is a goal, then the rules are different. But they sure aren’t acting like they have a clue. They are acting like they want to cosplay Antifa but be treated as benign protesters — and you can’t have it both ways.

  4. That’s what happens when real world consequences meets juvenile behavior.

    So sad, I’m glad!

  5. Today’s WSJ has a nice op-ed by the Dean of Vanderbilt U explaining what happened and why. Short summary: these were terrorism supporters (BDS activists) who were unwilling to take “we’re neutral” from the University and were willing to commit crimes to push for things to change their way.

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