MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Federal officials announced Tuesday the arrest of two Venezuelan nationals after finding weapons and large amounts of U.S. currency onboard an aircraft in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday.

Authorities from the Fort Lauderdale Marine Unit were alerted of an aircraft movement related to an ongoing investigation and found 18 assault/bolt action rifles with optics, six shotguns, 58 semi-automatic pistols, $20,312 in U.S. currency, and $2,618.53 in endorsed checks.

2 Venezuelan Nationals Arrested In Fort Lauderdale After Weapons, Cash Found In Jet

I only have one question: Where did they find guns? It is not like we are having a supply glut in the country, right? The shelves are bare everywhere and these guys managed to get 82 guns?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Venezuelans trying to smuggle guns out of the USA.”
  1. Just a guess…. With that many guns and that much cash (and endorsed checks) amassed, they’ve probably been planning and working on this for quite a while. Months, or even years.

    It very likely started pre-COVID, maybe even pre-bump-stock ban.

    Helluva collection to lose, though. πŸ™

    As an aside, it’s amusing that they have to lump together the “18 assault/bolt action rifles”. Two very different types of firearms, but neither number individually looked like much so they added them together.

    Knowing journ-o-lists and Democrats (but I repeat myself), we can expect laws proposed to ban “assault-bolt weapons”, which are dangerous holy weapons of war that don’t belong on our streets, and if used for hunting, electrocute the deer to kill it and cook it at the same time.

    It’s what Zeus and Thor would use, if they needed guns. πŸ˜€

  2. Anytime anyone adds an adjective to a noun in a story about firearms is a tell. They are dishonest.

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