He is not happy about this Gringo Company block a life-saving all organic medicine that could save millions… in his imagination:

This Doctor Sirio Quintero is allegedly the “Inventor of the quantum bioelectromedicine protocol with nanotechnology and human reconstitutive undulating genetics in Venezuela and the American continent”, he concludes in his biography. After his studies, Quintero returned to Boconó in the Trujillo state, where he has allegedly solved more than 6,700 cases of diseases and cancers.”

So what is the formula that will save the world?


100 grams of citronella
100 grams of elderberry
5 grams of ginger
5 grams of black pepper
The peels of 2 lemons
Boil in a liter of water then add:
100 ml of honey
The juice of 2 lemons.

Maduro tanted against twitter in one of his televised interventions:

“It’s a crazy thing; I would like to know who is the imbecile, the stupid person who makes the decision on Twitter to block a Venezuelan naturist recipe

And I am done. Nothing I say could explain the level, of stupid and irresponsible that this Bernie Bro is trying to pull. You are better off coming to your own conclusions.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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