“Dear Kids. Did mommy and daddy have Anne Frank hidden in a secret closet this past Thanksgiving?” Asked the teacher.

‘Who denounced you?’ said Winston.
‘It was my little daughter,’ said Parsons with a sort of
doleful pride. ‘She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I
was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day.
Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh? I don’t bear her any
grudge for it. In fact I’m proud of her. It shows I brought her
up in the right spirit, anyway.’

1984 – George Orwell

This is where I am supposed to engage in a long rant while waving my fist in anger, but I am just tired. Today is one of those days you believe you are wasting your time preventing what seems the inevitable and simply don’t want to waste the energy but save it for other things.

You’d figure that having the kids at home may have helped parents deprogram in some ways the kids form the bull taught at school, but I fear that nothing was done because you have a lot of parents running an old version of the same software.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Vermont RINO loves some Orwell”
  1. I’m reminded of a story from a few years ago.

    Michigan has an anti-hording law. One school system assigned the kids the task of taking pictures of thier pantry. The kids did without the parents knowing.

    A few days later law enforcement showed up to arrest parents for hording.

    Seems that some of the teachers were concerned about the amount of goods in the pantry.

    I have a friend that has had poor employment luck. When they are employed, every paycheck they purchase extra long term food and they donate some to the local food pantry. During one 8 month period of unemployment she fed her family of four from her stores and a few trips to the local food pantry.

    But her hording was just putting a little aside every other week.

  2. The leftist control of the education system has to end.

    If there were people in the schools that actually valued freedom, personal choice, etc… the Governor’s request would have been met with gales of laughter. Maybe an art project where the children would draw pictures of their middle finger raised in salute to a petty tyrant wannabe.

  3. Therefore, were those Mormons? It should be easy to overturn an anti-hoarding law as a violation of the 1st Amendment.

    Meanwhile, on VT: that guy is such a far off the deep end RINO that he’s promised to find another communist to replace Bernie if Bernie ends up getting an appointment in the Harris/Biden administration.

  4. Personally I think that every single one of the kids should tell the teachers that they had 14 or 30 people over for Thanksgiving. While insuring that the family had a group photo with date/time stamp of the actual number. I wonder how many times the ‘authorities’ would fall for that disinformation campaign before they realized they were being had. What are they going to do, arrest a bunch of 7 or 8 year olds?
    And to make it even more effective, claim that they saw a bunch of people going to the neighbors – especially the democRAT politicians and/or those that harris/biden signs up.

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