This is from Vice:

As Hospitals Prepare for COVID-19, Life-Saving Trans Surgeries Are Delayed
Though medical facilities may soon become overtaxed for everyone, the coronavirus pandemic has shed light on how transgender people’s care can be treated as “non-essential.”

Holy fuck.  That is some serious victimhood right there.

For transgender and gender non-conforming people, gender-affirming surgeries are life-altering procedures, which, for many, can greatly reduce gender dysphoria and improve their quality of life. But in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, trans communities on Reddit and Twitter are being flooded with reports of postponed and canceled surgeries in the U.S., U.K., Spain, Thailand, and elsewhere, leading to enormous stress and disappointment on top of a global health crisis.

I am so sorry that people getting sick from a highly communicable disease and taking up all the hospital beds is getting in the way of your having an addadicktome.

This underscores a common experience amongst trans people seeking medical care or surgery: Research has suggested that gender-affirming surgery, in particular, has a notable and long-term impact on mental health, but far too often, trans people already wait far longer than is safe or healthy for this care. Further delays can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

I want to be clear about this.  Suicidiation is a serious comorbidity of serious mental illness.

Arguing that trans people will commit suicide if they do not get transition surgery when they want it is an argument that said individuals are suffering from a serious mental illness.  This is not an argument to accelerate transition surgery.  This is an argument for the involuntary commitment of said individual.

“If you do not do what I want, I will kill myself” does not fly for anything else.  It should not fly for trans people, and to try and say that it does undermines the idea that trans people are something other than very mentally ill.

Violet Jones, a 29-year-old trans woman and assistant professor in New York, has a procedure scheduled for May that hasn’t been canceled yet, but she feels it’s imminent. NYC is a national leader in transgender care, but Mayor Bill de Blasio has issued an executive order delaying all non-emergency surgery for the next few weeks.

This includes things like hip and knee replacements for elderly patients.  The kinds of surgeries that have shown to save lives by making elderly patients ambulatory and able to exercise, preventing respiratory illness and bed sores.

Many trans patients already battle with insurance companies over which procedures are considered “medically necessary”, and health providers often use words such as “cosmetic” or “elective” to deny coverage, language that is mirrored by those unfamiliar with trans care in ways that can be hurtful. In strictly medical terms, “elective” surgery doesn’t just encompass “cosmetic” procedures, but includes anything non-emergent, even surgery for tumors and leaky heart valves. Many gender-related surgeries also fall under this category. Doctors and patients obviously want any necessary procedure performed, but currently, the idea is that they are not immediately life-threatening, and limited space in hospitals could be better used for patients affected by COVID-19.

With all due respect to the trans community, but amputating the healthy breasts off a young woman is not more medically necessary than replacing a leaky heart valve, implanting a stent in a patient with a blockage, or putting a pacemaker into a patient with A-fib.

If you think it is, fuck you.  Those patients could die at any moment.  At worst, you just need to call a hotline.

This is victimhood taken to the next level.





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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Vice publishes the most Social Justice article ever (stroke warning ahead)”
  1. Jesus Tapdancing Christ… I hate these people. They make all transgender folks look bad. These are the open-carry idiots of the LGBT rights movement.

    Gender dysphoria is a serious mental health issue and suicide is a serious problem for people wrestling with the problem. Transitioning is almost always the best option from a medical standpoint – there’s ample literature from peer-reviewed, legit medical journals to back this up. But surgical sex reassignment is an extreme step that the vast majority of transgender folks do not undertake… and it’s certainly not life threatening to delay it.

    This is just a typical example of an entitled Leftist pulling the “what about meeeee!?” shtick that we’ve been mocking them over for years. ‘World to End Tomorrow! Women and Minorities Most Affected.’

  2. One benefit of the current epidemic is that we may see is the end of superficial self identification with victim groups in order to get ahead.

    During extreme times such as these, when resources are limited, people tend to lose patience with shirkers and scam artist and others.

    While one can get by as a delicate special snowflake who needs extensive trauma counseling during prosperous & peaceful times, it doesn’t fly so well during extreme times.

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