From Bloomberg News:

Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Past Sexual Assault, Faults GOP Over Riot

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez detailed the moment she feared for her life during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, disclosing that she’s the survivor of a past sexual assault to drive home her accusation that some Republicans have been dismissive of her trauma.

Invoking her past experiences, she criticized conservatives who downplay the threats to lawmakers and say that she and other Democrats should move on.

“These are the tactics of abusers,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I’m a survivor of sexual assault,” she added. “I haven’t told many people that in my life.”

One of the reasons she hesitated to “tell that story has to do with that trauma,” she said during an emotional Monday night appearance on Instagram Live. She did not provide details about the assault.

She said Cruz, a Texas Republican, and GOP Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri remain a “present danger“ for casting doubt on President Joe Biden‘s election, complaints that were echoed by rioters.

Ocasio-Cortez pointed to one specific moment during the attack when she thought she was going to die as she was barricaded in her office while the Capitol was being invaded. A man banged on her door asking where she was. He turned out to be Capitol Police officer, but she said “it didn’t feel right because he was looking at me with a tremendous amount of anger and hostility.“

“Just the very uncertainty that you don’t know if that person is trying to protect you or not is deeply unsettling,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “It’s that lack of trust that creates so much volatility and fear.”

Here is the situation in a nutshell.

AOC accused Senator Ted Cruz of trying to have her murdered.

She said she was scared of a Capitol police officer who came to rescue her from her office, and said that she thought he was in on the attack and was there to kill her because of the look on his face.

When Ted Cruz and others pushed back, saying not Cruz did not order a hit on her and Capitol police did not try to murder her, she responded by saying the denial of these allegations is what sexual abusers do and she would know this because she’s a sexual assault survivor.

She may be, and I feel bad if her sexual abuse happened. But the point of her bringing it up is to wear the armor of “believe all women.”  You cannot question the validity of her feelings because she’s a sexual abuse survivor.

This is a borderline Kafka-trap.  The denial of guilt is evident of guilt.

It’s how she can say the most outlandish things and not be criticized for them.

She is sky high on victim status, taking new hits by the hour.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Victim status is AOC’s heroin”
  1. She’s projecting *hard.* Someone needs to look into whether AOC has gone further than just posting a hitlist as far as trying to get her political enemies killed.

  2. She’s still traumatized by the empty parking lot at that Texas immigration detention center.

  3. It’s not her heroin…. It’s her Bully Club! You can’t respond – because then you’re just being an A$$hole to a victim.

  4. BigDumbRedenck is not wrong, but the left treats victimhood more like currency.

    The more victim points you have the more you can get away with. The more you can abuse the system, and the more chances you have to avoid criticism.

    Used to be only the rich can afford that kind of treatment.

  5. I’ll go there. I believe that she was sexually abused just as much as I believe that Joe Biden won the election. Not afraid to call a skank out for lying about something like that.

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