This video is a segment of audio from a podcast interviewing the great Victor Davis Hanson.

One topic he touches on is the Leftward slide of the military and how the Left took it over.

I would go a bit further than he and say that in the modern era, the Left uses the military the way European families had for centuries.  As a tool for getting close to the throne.

With the concentration of power in DC, joining the military as an officer, especially in a non-direct combat role, a young and ambitious Leftist can use the military to make contacts within the DC elite/military-industrial complex circle to advance themselves.

Being a military officer is not modeled on being a Pershing or a Patton, it’s about grifting into politics or corporate boards.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Victor Davis Hanson on the Leftward slide of the military”
  1. While he may be right here (kinda master of the obvious stuff), I do grow tired of non veteran neo-con warmongers waxing on about things they were never man enough to do themselves. But, hey, he’s more than happy to send MY kuds off to another forever war in dome distant desert localle.

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