Watch this interview with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

Every criminal in New York is just Jean Valjean.  They just need to steal a little bread to feed their children because the evil government hasn’t given them enough unemployment.

I wonder how hungry this shooter was to put a bullet through the head of a father walking his daughter across the street.

Over the 4th of July weekend, there were 64 people shot and 10 killed, including a 6-year-old girl.

This weekend in NYC, there were 15 shootings in 15 hours.

There were 101 shootings in the first week of July, a 206% increase in the same week last year.

This is what CBS in NYC has to say about it:


That’s a lot of people shot just to put a little bread on the table.

It’s these unmoored from reality ideas that Progressive have that kill cities.

The violence isn’t caused by people stealing bread to feed their children.  It’s caused by hardened criminals taking advantage of the zeitgeist against police to engage in the criminal mischief that they want to do.

But as long as Progressive politicians insist that the criminals are victims of the system, they will not fix it, thereby making it worse for the people on the streets.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Violence will continue because violent criminals are just victims of Capitalism”
  1. Jimmy Burke and others would disagree. Some people like the rush of power they get from committing crimes. Some like the fact that it feels good to be a gangster.
    And, ironically, crime and corruption actually increases in socialist nations- it just doesn’t get reported.

  2. The thing is crime is actually an extreme form of laissez-faire capitalism so criminals are capitalists and thus the oppressor not the victim. (I think I got that from Heinlein or possibly The Stainless Steel Rat)

  3. Yes, because I know when my family is so hungry and poor that I have to steal bread to survive, my first stop is to the shoe store to loot three pairs of Nikes. Then I go home to enjoy the “fruits” of my labor.

    When I’m so poor I can’t pay my rent, the first thing I do is hit the electronics store to steal a flat screen TV. Squatting is much more pleasant with Netflix.


    Every time someone like AOC gets in front of the camera to plead that case — the case of the humble criminal who only steals food to feed his family — I want to play the hundreds of videos of rioting and looting from all across the country, and have her look carefully and count how many of the items being stolen are edible. I’m sure even someone of her intellectual acumen can count to zero.

    Then watch all the shooting videos and have her count how many were shot for bread, watch the body-cam videos and count how many bricks were thrown at police for the fruit they were guarding, and review the whole thing and tell me how many fires were started for the purpose of making barbeque and hot dogs.

    Truth is, none of her claims are factually true. They are at best plausible for a limited number of criminals with a conscience, none of whom would want to be near the rioting and looting (if your purpose is to put food on the table, you’re more likely to make it home safely if you avoid hot-spots with a lot of violence and police).

    Then again, we always knew she was nothing more than a “useful idiot”.

    1. My suspicion is that she’s a deep cover agent, planted by Veratas to say really stupid things that Democratic party idiots can parrot and look dumb.
      If not, she’s close enough.

      1. Either that, or the quality of communist agents is going way down from the good old days of Rosenberg and Philby.

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