If there is one upside to TDS, it has caused the Left to go so nuts that forget to mask their true desires for tyrannical rule.

Grope Biden, Cultural Appropriation O’Rourke, and Douche Nuke’m Swalwell went full-tilt into demanding disarmament for civilians.  They want to come and take your guns.

Typically, these politicians have shied away from the details of their plan.  Pushing the ideas of mandatory buybacks or some such.  Stating that law-abiding gun owners will turn in their guns because they are law-abiding.  The evidence indicates that law-abiding gun owners are not slavishly law-abiding and will not register or turn over their guns, just because the government says so.

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida with bump-stocks, even New Zealand demonstrated that to be true.

So as the push for a gun ban grows in East California (formerly the Commonwealth of Virginia) from the few big Blue population-dense areas, the rural Red areas have started to declare themselves gun sanctuary cities.

This is a play taken right out of the Left’s playbook, declaring cities, counties, and whole states sanctuaries against Federal immigration law.  Arlington County, Chesterfield County, and Fairfax County in Virginia are listed as Sanctuary Counties.

The Left doesn’t like being hoisted with their own petard and is vowing to crush the Virginia 2A sanctuary movement with the most force they can muster.

Va. rep. suggests military enforcement for new gun legislation, National Guard responds

The Virginia National Guard has responded after Governor Ralph Northam said there would be consequences for law enforcement who didn’t enforce new gun legislation.

“If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be some consequences but I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it,” Northam said.

A representative from Richmond then said the Virginia National Guard might have to get involved.

“And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” Rep. Donald McEachin said. “That’s his call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he has.”

Send in the troops to do door to door in Red counties to seize the guns and take the Sheriffs out of power.  That seems like a great plan that will surely work.

The [current] Adjutant General of Virginia, Major General Timothy P. Williams, released a statement saying they aren’t going to speculate about the use of the Virginia National Guard to enforce gun legislation.

I added current because we have seen recently too many retired military officers who become media commentators and military officers turned politicians clamoring for restricting gun rights, including President candidates Seth Moutlon, Pete Buttigieg, and Tulsi Gabbard.

So I suspect it may only be a short matter of time before the Va National Guard AG is replaced by a general who doesn’t respect the Second Amendment and thinks that black rifles only belong in the hands of soldiers… and that it’s fine for his soldiers to use their issued black rifles to take away the black rifles of those petulant civilians in the Virginia boondocks.

The Virginia Guard AG serves at the pleasure of the Governor, and I’m sure a Leftist Blue Governor can quite easily find some civilian hating Swamp-monster General inside the DC bubble, happy to disarm gun owners, to take over.

Virginia Democrats are cocksure over the fact they Virginia has become like California or Illinois, where the Blue population rich bubbles have given them a permanent majority for one-party rule.  So they have no incentive not to bring their gun-grabbing machinations to fruition.


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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “Virginia Legislature wants to send the military to disarm you”
  1. “If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be some consequences but I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it,” Northam said.
    A little research shows that Virginia has a state version of the 2A in the state’s constitution – Article 1 (Bill of Rights), Section 13 – so how could he possibly have gun confiscation laws that are constitutional?

  2. I’m not so worried about the VA NG going door to door. On a different post I noted that most Guard members come from those red counties and “boondocks”. Mostly because the blue enclaves hate the military almost as much as they hate guns.

    What I am more worried about is that there is a pre-filed bill that is designed to allow the governor to remove any LEO that does not enforce the law.

    This seems directly aimed at the sheriffs and other LEOs that have sworn to upload the constitution of the US and the VA constitution (That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;) deciding that a law passed in Richmond is unconstitutional and not obeying it.

    I’m reminded that the US military is the only military where a soldier is expressly forbidden from carrying out illegal orders.

    1. “I’m reminded that the US military is the only military where a soldier is expressly forbidden from carrying out illegal orders.” – Nope. That’s not true. I would argue that this is also true for most western armies but I know for a fact that not only an order that would violate the law is not to be followed in the german army but also an order that goes against the conscience of the soldier may not be followed (they learned that lesson from the Nazis as nearly everything those guys did was legal under Nazi-law)

      1. Tiredweasel, thanks for the correction about other western armies and illegal orders. I’m glad to hear that other armies have the same regulations.

      2. The Dutch “Military officials regulations” speak of the oath in article 126a, which specifies the wording: “I swear allegiance to the king, obedience to the laws, and to subject myself to the code of military justice, so help me God”.
        “Obedience to the laws” hints at a duty to recognize illegal orders, but it doesn’t call out the constitution. Then again, the Dutch constitution doesn’t mean much.

          1. After a fashion. Article 120 says “The constitutionality of Acts of Parliament and treaties shall not be reviewed by the courts.”
            In other words, the Constitution is a nice collection of words but they don’t actually mean anything. If Parliament does something unconstitutional, there is no recourse.
            It isn’t often you find a law, let alone a constitution, that in its own text declares itself to be null and void.

            1. Lots of “modern” constitutions have weasel words like “subject to the good of society” modifying their statements about free speech and freedom of religion. Heck, there’s even a special “declaration of human rights for Islamic countries” that has all sorts of lofty declarations then says “subject to the limits of shariah”.

  3. “Send in the troops to do door to door in Red counties to seize the guns and take the Sheriffs out of power. That seems like a great plan that will surely work.”

    That would make for a great visual in the local & international news for the DemonKKKrats, and as they say, this is how you get more Trump.

  4. This is going to sound insane. Or at least only kind of does in this environment but I think you have it somewhat wrong. Especially in the title. Because the Virginia Democrats don’t wanna send the military to disarm you. That’s simply how far they can go right now. What they really want to do is send the military to kill you. But killing gun owners for their guns, especially door-to-door and without trial would probably not end well for them. They haven’t stepped over that particular cliff of insanity. But it’s not for a lack of want. It’s just not politically expedient right now to say gun owner should be all be exterminated. Because that’s what they really want. On top of killing all the gun owners they also wanna kill all white people, all the Jews that don’t vote Democrat, every single person that ever voted for Trump, every single person that supports trump, Every single registered Republican, everyone who is ever voted Republican, etc. basically every single solitary person in the country that does not support the far left and oppose them in any capacity. How many millions of people does that equal? And Americans are still Americans; it be hard for them to start just mass killing citizens because with the exception of maybe a few liberal strongholds the majority of people would not like that and react accordingly. Even a very large portion of the center left which is abandoning the Democratic party. Either by voting them out or simply forcing them out of office one way or another. Because they realize how insane their party is becoming; or a better way of saying it how the crazies have taken over their party. But this is still the left. They are of the mindset that they are pre-destined to rule forever and all who oppose must be eliminated. However as time goes on that list will get bigger and bigger until it encompasses nearly the entire country And there viewpoint will be to exterminate the entire country. But it’s not a far stretch to say they want the entire population of United States exterminated considering the visceral hatred of the United States and her people.

    Every time I comment here I say the same shit. And I admit that a lot of things I say sound crazy. But given the current political environment And how much they hate us it’s hard not to start thinking like that. The more they lose the angrier and more violent they get in they will use whatever power they still have left to destroy everything. If they cannot win scorch earth everything. Even if it means nuclear carpet bombing the nation. Because of them, after all, they can just import more illegals.

  5. Toddler mode in full demonstration.

    Northam wants scary guns to go away. He got elected because (in his own mind) of that position.

    And, he is asking the legislature, nicely, to pass severely restrictive gun laws. The previous legislature could not muster enough votes to get it done, so he manipulated the situation to get a compliant legislature. (Yes… when both Mom and Dad said no, he went and asked Grandma.)

    So, now he has what he thinks is a mandate. And, he is going to get his anti-gun laws, but his siblings might not play along. We are entering the tantrum phase, but it will rapidly be followed by the violence phase.

    I used to live in VA. Really liked it for the most part. Depending on what goes down over this gun grabbing, I may never live there again.

  6. I have family in Virginia, on both sides of the issue. It’s going to be interesting to see how they react to the latest stupidity from governor BlackFace AbortThem.

  7. What we have now is a method by which anti-gun democrats can either remove pro-gun military leaders or at least neuter them, leaving *only* left-leaning or far-left folks in the officers cadre. Take the guns or we fire you and replace you with someone who will take the guns.

    I believe Miguel referred to that as a junta the other day.

  8. Not a native, but a Virginian for decades now. Go to the VCDL website for latest news. As of yesterday, 101 cities and counties have voted for 2nd Amendment sanctuaries, from a total of 133. (Virginia is unique in giving cities and counties equal weight. There are 95 counties and 38 independent cities. There are no entities such as villages and townships.)
    Some of the meetings in counties hosted as many as 3000 pro-2nd-Amendment attendees. Many of the meetings had local leaders voting unanimously for 2A. My small county had hundreds of 2A supporters standing out in the cold while the packed meeting voted for sanctuary. Our newly elected sheriff is very pro-2A.
    The 2A forces have overwhelmingly voted for 2A. Last I heard was that the idiot governor has backed down.
    The only reason that we lost the majority in Richmond was Bloomberg and Californication money. they pumped in millions of dollars to capture our statehouse.

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