A tale of two CVS stores.

First, in Georgetown, two men shoplifted from a CVS.  The manager called the police, as is store policy.   He did not press charges, but had the police tell the men not to come back.

A BLM activist was there, pulled out her cell phone, and decided to try an internet shame the manager and police (copied video, original recorder locked her account).

The argument she made is that calling the police on black shoplifters is risking the shoplifter’s life over property that the manager doesn’t personally own so that he can protect his (implied underpaid) job.

Id est, black shoplifters should not have the police called on them and that corporate property should be free for the taking.

As a result of this manager’s actions, there were protests outside that CVS.

Here is where this situation got even worse.

We don’t know what that warrant is for, however, the police are now unable to take people with active warrants off the streets because BLM is making too much of a fuss.

BLM has made it clear that they are on the side of lawlessness.

BLM activists have stated that looting is just a form of reparations, so they believe that blacks have the right to steal whatever they want from businesses.

Now, let’s go to the other side of the country.  Very same day.  Also a CVS.

This happened under Prop 47, which essentially legalized theft up to $950.

Everyone just stands around a people stuff makeup into their backpacks.

At one point the Manager looks like he tries to leg trip one of the shoplifters and the shoplifter turns on him like he’s going to beat up the manager.  The message is clear, just let them loot if you don’t want to get hurt.

Five shoplifters each taking $950 in goods is a single hit cost CVS almost five grand in loss, plus damage done.

This was one hit on one day.

How much theft needs to happen before CVS decides to shut down a store because it is unprofitable?

So the question now is: how will CVS respond to the Georgetown incident?

Will they defend their manager and their policy against the mob or will they kowtow to BLM and invite bankruptcy through loss?

If they go woke, they will go broke one sticky finger at a time.

The ball is in their court, I hope they chose wisely.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Waiting to see if CVS goes woke and goes broke”
  1. “BLM activists have stated that looting is just a form of reparations,”

    Mmmkay… turn about if fair play then.

    Dox these a-holes and give their info to the criminal crowds out there. Per their Burn/Loot/Marxists own twisted logic, these laughably-self-named activists will be contributing to *reparations* with their own property as well. Not fair? But that’s why you a-holes have insurance, right?! Ooooohhh. It sucks when it’s YOU being affected? You don’t say?!?!

    Idjits. }:-|

  2. More Burn/Loot/Murder “peaceful protesting.” RME

    *Black Lives Matter Activist Wearing ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ Shirt Walked into a Louisville Bar and Murdered Three People*

    *DC Gay Man Confronts the Violent Antifa-BLM Mob After They Trespass His Yard and Assault His Friend*

  3. and when the stores close, there will be the cry of ‘food desert’ and how it’s all that systemic racism again.

    1. Oh, we started hearing that on day 4, I think, after the first Minneapolis riot. Oh, and don’t forget the accompanying pharmacy deserts.

  4. Gotta love these nutjobs. The police, due to the Covid restrictions,and possibly the presence of the hostile witnesses, are doing everything in their power to avoid arresting the two shoplifters, but the shoplifters are being belligerent and combative. They could (and probably should) arrest both of them at any time and haul them in and prosecute them. One of them warns the man that ‘his actions dictate whether he is free to go or not”, meaning “just shut up and be polite and we are willing to let you go”, and the activist nutjob freaks out, as if it’s a GIVEN that of COURSE these fine young men are going to be let go, how DARE you threaten them! As if the police had just walked up to some guy on the streets who was being disrespectful and said “you’d better shut up or you’re going to prison”! In many places the police CAN technically arrest you for “verbal assault” or “disrespect to a police officer”, but in this case, they have every single right to set the conditions under which they are willing to let the suspects walk away, and she’s acting as if they were being victimized for having to accommodate the police officers in any way. Disgusting.
    And then to attack the poor kid running the store because he was doing his job and wants to keep it! Yes, the poor kid struggling by on a mere $30K per year (which she seems to think is some kind of insult to him, makes him an inferior being) should be willing to sacrifice his job for the sake of ‘social justice”. Yes, we should all refuse to do our jobs if that job involves black people getting in trouble when they try to break the law.

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