You may have heard the news that there were multiple stabbings at the protest/rally in DC on Saturday.

Here is a Twitter video:

The Antifa goon had a knife.

I hate Antifa.  I’m sure my readers know that.

Something, something, human lawn darts with Antifa from a helicopter.

But I’m also no stupid.

When a gang of alt-Right wingers isolate, corner, and punch Antifa goon first, they done fucked up.

If you are attacked, defined yourself.  Don’t hit first.

This was a monumental pile of stupid.

When in doubt, walk the fuck away.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Walk the f*** away”
  1. The day is coming where walk away isn’t an option. I don’t think battling forces like Antifa vs. Proud Boys is a winning strategy, though. Best to hit and run.

    DC isn’t a great place to engage, either. Still, BLM and Antifa are about to discover that plastic shields and melee weapons aren’t winners, either.

  2. Well, what’s funny (and by funny I mean frustrating as hell) is watching people on the left say this guy was justified in using deadly force because of he was being chased by multiple unarmed attackers but also say that the guy that fired in Olympia the same day was not justified in using deadly force because the multiple attackers chasing him were unarmed.

  3. The idea of who struck first in a kinetic environment with aggressions flying back and forth from both sides is hard to pin down. Do we measure by when the riot started. When the first brick was thrown. When one side or another shoves someone. Do we limit it to the individuals who took said actions or as this is a skirmish say gloves on the match started as a whole.

    Not being where the fight, gunfight, riot, kerfuffle, hootenanny, or impromptu street spelling bee is happening is all well and good if a person is looking to avoid any of those things but many have for their own reasons stepped in to seek them out.

    In good faith we could look at this as a single moment with nothing before and make a judgement but that would be playing by a set of rules that the other side will never uphold for themselves. When you’re facing a side who will hold your cultural ancestors actions as your own we’re no longer able to uphold Marquess of Queensbury rules.

    PBs are typically good lads with a bit of hooligan in ’em and come in all colors shapes n sizes. As we’re not at the engaging in premeditated and proactive part of operations yet, and I pray with all my heart to God that we can come back from the brink and not ever go there, back and forth street scuffles is the only push back the commies get.

    Our gutless ruling class sure as heck isn’t pushing back. Many cities and local PDs talk tough but bend over or aid the commies so it leaves the average person feeling isolated afraid and alone while emboldening the commie to act more and more boldly.

    Everyone talks about defending the fort, raising the flag, and ‘not in my neighborhood antifa’ but how much of it have we seen beyond PBs wading in swinging.

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