A reader left this comment in Facebook:

He is right on the second part: People are getting sick of the violence brought by Antifa and the complicity of government that allows them and protects them from just consequences.

When the great massacre occurs, even with the Media pushing full about how the poor innocents “myths” were just exercising their First Amendment rights till some crazy White Supremacist (It does  not matter the color, it will be tagged and White Supremacists) just mowed them down without mercy. The politicians will expect the cries of sorrow and disgust but more than likely what they will hear is the standing ovation of the Silent Majority.

And get to watch the avalanche coming at all of them.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Warning: It is not the the Era of Peace and Love.”
  1. Scott Adams on Sunday basically said that at this point a massacre is inevitable. Not being a conspiracy theorist, just making the observation that sooner or later, someone is going to get fed up.

    Personally I expect the mob to stop the wrong vehicle. They’ll get their Boston massacre then.

    1. The situation has already happened once, but in the wrong city….Austin in Texas. We all know the situation…a driver was in the wrong place, trying to leave when a terrorist approached with an AK-47 aimed at him. The driver, who was carrying legally, removed the threat. But it wasn’t the trigger they hoped for….The driver wasn’t charged…self-defense. I think they’re hoping for another similar situation in Portland perhaps, or Seattle, or Chitcago or maybe Atlanta where the person being threatened fires and then is killed by blm/antifa who then up’s the ante…Or perhaps they just need to rush a well armed citizen and attempt to drag them out of their car as they did one other who was unarmed….either way, the scenario really doesn’t matter. The blm/antifa terrorists WANT a large number of their rioters to be shot in one engagement so that they can point at the evil white supremacist as he/she is torn apart by the mob, and justify armed insurrection.

  2. I don’t think it will be a massacre. We’ve seen this a couple of times so far. Somebody gets pushed to far and they snap and do the deed.

    One dead in NM. Man attacked, retreats, is followed, is attacked again, is clubbed, falls down, gets up and kills ONE person. The mob runs.

    One dead in Austin, man approaches a vehicle that is blocked in. Is perceived as threatening the driver. Driver shoots AK carrying threat. The mob runs.

    Those that carry have to much training on “Shoot to stop the threat. When the threat is ended, stop shooting.”

    The only way we are going to end up in that “massacre” is if somebody makes the mistake on the left of starting a fire fight. Even then, I doubt there will be a high body count.

    1. That’s on the theory it happens to a trained CCW holder, if it happens to one of the millions of scared new gun owners all bets are off. Also if the mobs keep attacking innocents and getting away or even praised for it at one point someone is going to try to go punisher on the mob in revenge if they think there is no chance for justice.

      1. You might be right @Seth. It could be Ken and Karen trying hard to protect themselves from the angry mob, pointing pistol and rifle at people, muzzling themselves and their partners.

        Those are the sorts of people that get scared and react.

        The mob would be better off facing me with a full load out than my wife with her pistol, single mag and no reloads. She is much more likely to decide that her children are in danger and dump that mag into the crowd.

        I’m much more likely to fire until the threat is ended and the biggest threat(s) is/are taking the room temp challenge.

        1. Once again, never threaten a woman with danger to her children….the female IS the more deadly of the species in that case….and I’d not find fault in her reaction….

      2. I think you have the better point of view on such an occurrence….One well prepared sniper on a rooftop with a suppressor on their rifle could do it.

    2. I suspect that in a “firefight” situation, the body count would be increased by those within the blm/antifa crowd and explained away as an ambush by white supremacists firing into the crowd from behind since many of those shot would be shot in the back by their own people….Any “massacre” will be will planned in advance….

  3. We have already seen the “Right Wing extremist” game played just within this week.

    On July 4th, the NFAC received permission to march in the Stone Mountain Park. The all black militia LARPers showed up and made much about walking in ranks.

    Lots of MSM praising them and telling us how we just hate them because they are blacks carrying guns. (I use “black” because they keep telling me that “black lives matter.” It must be the term of the day.)

    Fast forward to this month. A group from OK asks permission to march in the Stone Mountain Park. This is a bunch of III percenters with the word “militia” in their name. (I think it was OK).

    They are denied permission because in 2017 violence broke out when they were protesting or something. No mention if it was them starting the violence or being the receivers of said violence.

    Group showed up at Stone Mountain. They started to march to the park. The park was closed by the cops. They turned around and marched back towards town.

    Counter protesters met them with words and there was a bit of shoving when counter protesters came in contact with the protesters. Finally violence took place when BLM/Antifa attacked the protesters and the protesters fought back. Cops rush in to save BLM/Antifa.

    News headlines include the terms: “Proud Boys”, “White Supremacist”, “Right Wing”, “Alt Right Wing”, “Right wing extremest”. All of the headlines reported that there was violence.

    NOT ONE, not even Fox news bothered to report that it was the BLM/Antifa LARPers that started the violence.

    The on the ground truth was published in the New York Post.

    Anybody that says boo to BLM/Antifa/NFAC are instantly branded as racists and members of the right wing.

    1. Anyone who has dealings in public with nfac/blm/antifa will need to recognize the fact that no matter what happens, they will be crucified in the fascist left media. They are automatically in the wrong even if murder by the terrorists is involved.

  4. Our problem is not with the people out there marching non violently.

    Our problem really is not even with the stupid ring led people rioting and looting. Most of them are the human equivalent of sheep, trying to latch on the next hot trend, to be edgy, to be cool, to be significant in some small way for once in their sad, soul-less lives.

    Our problem is with the people leading these protesters around by their nose rings, the people that finace it, and the politicians that allow it. The governors, mayors, city councils and the DAs that have been excusing this behavior in NYFC, Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle.

    Start there.

    1. It’s not clear the politicians you’re talking about are the big problem. They are likely to be partly dupes, partly fellow travelers, and partly bought.
      The big problem are the controllers and financiers. Who are they? Obviously they are well hidden. Quite possible many of them are foreign, perhaps from countries like Iran or China.

      1. It’s entirely possible that it is people within our own country who see the prize as turning the United States into just another client state under the UN or other ruling body…control the U.S. and you can control the rest of the (relatively) free world.

    2. The governors/mayors/city councils are not even the ultimate target we need to fight…They are merely following orders from others who are directing what could be considered a full up conspiracy to overthrow the national government by proxy….Eliminate those who are at the top, providing the guidance, providing the money, and the body will wither and die overnight….That cannot be handled by the average citizen….I only hope that it IS being addressed at the very highest levels….otherwise we WILL have civil war and we will not win.

  5. Or, consider the otherwise deliberate soul who is cornered by a/the mob. Sees what others, who defended themselves, face. And figures, “If I’m gonna get burned, hell, every dead rioter after the first one, is free. They can only imprison me for ONE life.”

    THAT soul, might be very, very dangerous to OpFor.

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