This is the headline:

‘His death is immeasurable’ | Family of a Pakistani immigrant mourns his death after he was killed in a Navy Yard carjacking

The family of a Virginia man who was allegedly carjacked Tuesday in Southeast D.C. calls his loss immeasurable.

The Metropolitan Police Department (D.C. Police) says Muhammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, died after two teenagers assaulted him with a Taser while trying to carjack him, and he was killed due to a crash that followed.

A 13-year-old from Southeast D.C. and a 15-year-old from Fort Washington, Maryland have been charged with felony murder and armed carjacking in connection to the crime.

Here is video of the incident:


Every single soldier in our military gets some form of combat first aid training.  Any of these Guardsmen who have been deployed to combat has received combat first aid.

Not one thought to try to help a dying man.  They just let him lay there face down like a piece of shit.

Every single one of them should be NJP until they are shitting blood.

Second, notice how one of the girls’ biggest concern wasn’t that she tazed a man, crashed his car, and killed him, but that she left her phone in the car she murdered a man while trying to steal.

Here is how Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reacted to the incident:

Two black girls targeting an elderly man from Central Asia for robbery turned into felony murder is inconvenient to the narrative so it’s just an issue of car theft safety.

We are living in a failed state where the only rule is das narrative uber alles.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Washington DC is a sh*thole run by a garbage person”
  1. As an Uber driver, how the f**k are you supposed to “protect you auto” when your job requires you to let your customer enter your car? Not one of those tips were applicable in this instance. As for the NG inaction, I suppose they were told they were there to protect congress critters from white MAGA hat wearing extremists, not ordinary citizens from black teenagers or to provide medical assistance.

  2. “Not one thought to try to help a dying man. They just let him lay there face down like a piece of shit.”

    Looking at the video, he seems to move at one point, perhaps indicating he was still alive at the time. Makes me ashamed to be a veteran (Navy Reservist) the way they responded. Glad I didn’t have the audio on when watching the video.

    1. Moving or not is beside the point. One thing I remember very clearly from first aid training is that you render aid and continue until (a) relieved by others, (b) physically unable to continue, or (c) have to flee for your safety. Trying to decide whether the victim dead is not part of the analysis, not unless you have the advanced training to tell and actually did the checking. That clearly wasn’t the case here. (I suppose if someone’s head is missing you might be excused for jumping to conclusions.)

  3. Fuck me, he was probably a Democrat so fuck em. Before i retired I made up my mind to never help a civilian since the last time I helped one I almost got hiv… So fuck him………

  4. This news is 2, 3 days old.
    I bet someone that the teen girls were black, since a web search found NO mention of their color or race, just the victim’s.
    Sure enough. 😓😡 Black.
    Most news writers today are trash racists.
    And: Way to go, DC. Way to go.

  5. This news is 2, 3 days old. I bet someone the gur look s were black, since a search found NO race mentioned.
    Sure enough. 😓😡
    Way to go, DC.

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