This is about following the money. This is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades. We are today serving notice: if your truck is being used in these protests, your corporate accounts will be frozen.
— Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) February 15, 2022
The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your semi-trailers home. The Canadian economy needs them to be doing legitimate work, not to be illegally making us all poorer.
— Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) February 15, 2022
These illegal blockades and occupation are causing serious harm to our economy, to our democracy, and to Canada’s international standing. They cannot continue. They will not continue. Read what I had to say today:
— Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) February 15, 2022
This is why you don’t give up your guns.
They’ll freeze your bank accounts when you protest requiring papers to travel inside your own country.
Freelander is a nazis just like her grandfather. Shr is absolutly giddy with the idea of punishing her enemies.
This is why we need the convenience of a cashless society. /sarc
More Sarcasm: The Police Evicting the Racist Nazi Protesters after the battle for Coutts, AB
The protesters are refusing to give Trudeau the violent flashpoint he wants. Worse he lloks like a fool and a tool.