Shannon Watts wants to control our lives through the implementation of gun control and environmental regulations.
She thinks she knows better than the rest of us how to live.
Turns out, she’s a really shitty mom.
Hoe in the name of Zeus’ wrinkled ball-sack, do you raise a child who does not know what a toll is or how to pay one?
What is up with this trend of upper middle-class wine moms bragging about everyday activities their adult children cannot do.
You fucking raised them and you did a shit job of it, now you want to tell the rest of us how to live?
Fuck you.
Have another box of Franzia and contemplate your shitty parenting skills.
H/T: the wife, who is a much better mom than Watts.
So, I have to speculate and have a little fun while doing so. Should I assume, which I hate to do, that she is a single parent who might share her male child with her ex-husband? And is this a slam against him? Is she a tyrannical anti-male feminist leftist who kicked the son’s father out the door. And now the father advised his son to just let mom pay for everything since she’s Mother Superior. I say, of course the son knew the toll had to be paid, so he laughed and played dumb thinking, she’s the moron who doesn’t get it. I say the son thought upon reading her text, “I’ll play her with the excuse of ignorance, and what she doesn’t understand is her own doing, blind self-absorbed bitch, no wonder dad left at the speed of light”.
Hoe in the name of Zeus’ wrinkled ball-sack, do you raise a child who does not know what a toll is or how to pay one?
This I can kind of see, if you raise your kids in a state with no toll roads around. Granted there are fewer and fewer of them, but I can maybe see this happening. Also with plate-scanning tolling becoming more and more common, and the concurrent removal of toll booths, it’s even easier to not even realize you’ve driven onto, along and off of a toll road.
What is up with this trend of upper middle-class wine moms bragging about everyday activities their adult children cannot do.
… on the other hand, I don’t get this at all. For one thing, as a general thing why would you want to air your family’s dirty laundry in public? And specifically, why this? Is the intent to have your friends try to shame your kid so said kid “does better?” (protip: that works a lot better when you know your actual neighbors, and the kid is still living at home.) Or to have them convince you you’re not a bad parent in spite of the evidence? Seriously, I got nothing here.
23 year old still driving Mommy’s car and not paying tolls.
He knew what he was doing.
That colorado mountain mansion air is shrinking her peanut size brain…. What a maroon… sympathy is between shiite an syphylis in the dictionary….
“What is up with this trend of upper middle-class wine moms bragging about everyday activities their adult children cannot do.”
The power one receives by playing the victim card is addictive.
“Poor poor pitiful me, my kid is clueless…”
Support flows in by the bucketful.