I mean, we have the stats and the resources tracking this awful nasty spinoff, right? We have been bombarded about how hospitals are to capacity and bodies may start to pile up at any second because the evil Delta Variant is attacking us everywhere!

Then again. From today’s paper.

Click to enlarge.

The headline , all part of the COVID Theater of Horror.

There is no specific test that supports the claims they are making. They are fucking guessing/assuming/making shit up

They really have no walking/fucking idea.

If you are a faithful follower of the Branch Covidian Church of Eternal Damnations and Masks, you have been duped and raped like a virgin after chugging a Tom Collins loaded with roofies.

And before you scream, do you actually believe that they are doing the genome sequence to ANY kind of significant number of tests or even serious enough statistical samples? That shit takes time and money which the locals do not have nor they are willing to spend even if the Feds are doling out taxpayer’s money like beads in Mardi Gras.

Mind you, it is my firm opinon that COVID truly exist and it is a dangerous malady for some people with specific weaknesses that are well known by now. And that number is not insignificant because no human should be (yes even them ones you don’t like), but we are being lied to in a manner that Goebbels would have been proud.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “We are dying of the Delta Variant! Quick! For The Children! (They don’t really effing know)”
  1. Covid isn’t scaring the sheeple anymore, as it attacks mostly older people –
    Quick roll out a virus that attacks mostly children,
    that’ll scare ’em into obeying & getting the jab

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Health officials monitoring COVID-19 are now seeing another dangerous trend nationwide. There’s been a rise in cases of the respiratory syncytial virus or RSV, which can be deadly for young children


    Pederson said he expects even more spread with kids going back to school and worries about an even worse respiratory season with these mild peaks happening so early. “You put that on top of COVID-19, it could be a more severe respiratory viral season than what we usually see,”

  2. Local hospitals aren’t testing to see which variant you have. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what variant you have. The treatment is the same, no matter which one you have, and the test to determine costs more money. Who pays for it? Insurance won’t. So they don’t test for it.

  3. Circular logic. We state (assume) that 80% of recent COVID cases are the delta variant (with statistically insignificant data). Therefore, any positive COVID test means that the patient is infected with the delta variant, and thus delta is rampant.

  4. I believe they do sequencing on a (presumably statistically significant randomly selected) subset of samples. This provides a reasonable estimate over the whole dataset.

    1. That sounds plausible. The trouble is that the CDC seems to be allergic to the notion of quoting hard data and numbers for anything whatsoever. In all the interviews I’ve seen with their senior talking heads, you always get handwaving and vague generalities; they are never accompanied by actual numbers. Unfortunately the interviewers permit this sort of thing, perhaps because as “journalists” they have no understanding that science requires numbers and hard data, otherwise it’s just theology.

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