This is from our newest branch of the service, Space Force.

That is badass.  I totally support Space Force.

Unfortunately, this is also from Space Force.

I know that this is the Space Force, which operates under the Air Force, and that the Air Force is not the Army, but they both operate under the DOD and if this mentally affects the Space Force then it affects all the other branches.

If that is true, our future of war is to lose every conflict from here on out.

“Sir, the enemy is advancing.  We’re taking heavy casualties.  Most of our officers have been killed or wounded, command and control is breaking down.”

“I need to know the races and genders of all the officers we  still have in the field.”

“But Sir, our troops are pinned down.  We don’t have time for that.”

“Solider!  I will not allow this division to engage in a counteroffensive without proper racial and gender diversity in its leadership.  Can you imagine how the historians will record this if we achieve victory lead by just while males?”

Or maybe:

“Sir, our digital systems are under attack.”

“How are we responding?”

“Lt. Smith thinks that he’s identified the code they are using to penetrate our firewall.  He believes he can stop it.”

“Are there any other suggestions?  Lt. Smith is a white male, and we’ve amplified those voices for too long in this country.  Have all your Genderqueer and BIPOC cyber-security specialists mobilize to counter this threat right away.”

If our college system and corporations are any indications, once the phrase “diversity and inclusion” becomes part of your mission statement, you are on the fast decline to failure.

It is eminently possible to have diversity when you focus on quality.  When you focus on diversity and inclusion, everything else suffers.

“Go woke, go broke” seems to be an absolute law.  It’s one thing when it takes out a for-profit, private corporation.  When “go woke, go broke” is applied to our national defense, it is all of us that are harmed when our national security is compromised.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “We are going to lose every war from here on out”
  1. Such perspectives often seem to act as a pendulum.

    All I wanna know is when it will be swinging the other way and merit will be most important?

    1. Unfortunately, that’s most likely to happen right after losing a big battle in the opening stages of a (major) war. If we define “major” as “having a noticeable adverse impact on the well-being and lifestyle of the civilian population” the US hasn’t had one since WWII.

  2. “Sir, the Klingons have sent four ships to attack our star base at Alpha Centauri.”

    “Lieutenant, what have we got to respond?”

    “Sir, we have the Enterprise, the Intrepid, and the Hood. Those ships should be able to handle the Klingons with ease, Shall I send the orders to deploy them?”

    “No, the Intrepid has an all Vulcan crew, The Enterprise crew is all Human except for their first officer, Only the Hood has a diverse enough crew. Order the Hood into action.”

    “But sir, at four to one odds, even the ‘Mighty Hood‘ will be outclassed.”

    “Lieutenant, need I remind you that only the ‘Prime Directive’ supersedes our mission to ensure diversity?”

    “No, sir. Transmitting orders to <iHood, sir.”

  3. It’s DoD-wide.
    Look up the absolute cluster that is/was the Army Combat Fitness Test. Then look up the Army gingerbread houses.
    We even have SOF prioritizing “diverse teams.”
    At this point it can be assumed that anyone past the rank of Captain is woke. He’ll absolutely be parroting woke bullshit even if he doesn’t believe it just to preserve his career.

  4. Our Navy has surface warfare officers that lack basic seamanship skills (look up the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain). One would think that even if the Navy wanted to make “diversity” and “inclusion” more important than “winning wars,” they’d still want to put a strong emphasis on “knowing how to steer a boat.”

    But, nope.

    Everyone in every branch above the rank of O-5 seems to regard their military service as just the first line on their future C.V.; A prerequisite period of time before they jump ship for a venture capital conglomerate or a boutique law firm for a few years, before they launch their congressional campaign.

    Once upon a time, every Navy officer wanted to be Horatio Nelson. Now they all want to be Nancy Pelosi.

  5. Its infecting everything. We had to take a course on “unconscious racism”. How you (being white) will unconsciously discriminate against a co worker cause of color. Its more like unconcious divisions
    It used to be about qualifications……

    1. We had to do the training as well, including utterly useless town halls, which I blew off. They took four of the examples and made a video. Nearly all of their issues with racism would be considered normal interactions amongst White/hispanic/asians. All had delusions as if they were living in the Jim Crow south, all had inferiority complexes. So I looked them up.

      One of them lives in Columbia MD, not far from where I grew up and lived for 40 years. Columbia is a planned community and a distant suburb of both Baltimore and DC. It stands ~30% black, most of which well-to-do.

      His big tale of woe was rocking up to a Costco at the old people/Crippled hours and begin turned away. He showed the door guy his boo-boo, at which the door guy rolled his eyes and let him in. On the way out, the dude said “See ya”, instead of “thanks for coming!”

      The other three were similar. I found it difficult to tut-tut about the injustice of it all hearing that. If anything, it hardened me up.

  6. It is infecting everything.

    Recently had to take an on line training about diversity. I was taught that it is wrong to stereotype people for any reason.
    A week later, I took a course on working in multi-generational teams, where I was taught TO stereotype people based on their age.

    This diversity stuff is all well and good right up until there are measurable objectives that must be met. Then what your pigmentation, plumbing, or preference is does not matter worth squat.

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