This is a magazine cover from the United States:


This article from the New York Daily News covering what’s going on in China:

China seeks to boost ‘masculinity’ of students with more gym classes

A proposal to boost the “masculinity” of young students has been widely criticized in China.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Education’s “Proposal on Preventing the Feminization of Male of Adolescents,” local governments will soon be required to increase the number of gym teachers and tweak gym classes so that they can help to “cultivate masculinity” of young students

Among the requirements, schools are being asked to “scientifically arrange the exercise load of the physical education class” and “vigorously develop” sports like football.

According to the South China Morning Post, the Ministry of Education’s plan, which was announced last week, aims to improve male students’ mental and physical health while education officials conducted further research.

It came in response to a suggestion by a top political adviser named Si Zefu, who said that China needed to combat an increasing “feminization” of young men, described by him as “delicate, cowardly and effeminate.”

Si called for an increase in the number of male teachers to “combat the issue” while voicing concern over the “threat to the development and survival of our nation.”

China is absolutely correct.  I’m not going to lie.

Here is Jesse Ventura talking about weightlifting:

In America, we’ve broadly canceled PE in schools or considerably toned it back.  Throw in the COVID lockdowns and we’ve had kids who haven’t exercised in any meaningful way for a year, not to mention the closing of private gyms, and public parks and playgrounds.

American children are suffering from a lack of physical education that is harming them emotionally as well as physically, all in the name of Progress.  Especially America’s boys.

We desperately need a program like this in the United States.

In the words of the philosopher Socrates:

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Boys’ report cards should include their bench press to bodyweight ratio.

I want my son to finish high school with a 4.0 GPA and a 400 lbs bench.

I don’t know why the people in charge of this country want to dumb us down and turn our boys into effete blobs of inactive uselessness, but it needs to stop.  The survival of this country depends on it.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “We are going to lose to China and this is what the elites want”
  1. A couple of books to check out are “The Way of Men” by Jack Donovan and “Sovereignty” by Ryan Michler. Both deal with masculinity and being good at being a man. Serously, I’d highly recommend both.

  2. “I don’t know why the people in charge of this country want to dumb us down and turn our boys into effete blobs . . .” Hopefully, you’re being strict about the meaning of “know” – because in the looser common sense, we all know damned well. The better to enslave us. There is a reason “emasculate” has a figurative meaning that goes far beyond the literal one. I do, however, suspect that diet has a great deal to do with the problem. Probably more than exercise does.

  3. You’re addressing a movement in America that began ~1890 (The Progressive Era). Among their goals were creating a direct democracy instead of the representative republic that was founded. That goal, among others, demonstrates just how wrong-headed those people were.

  4. This is in large part because those who work with their hands are seen to be the inferiors of those who do not. As if an underwater welder is somehow less intelligent than the supervisor of a call center or a pharmacy assistant.

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