The wisest and most prophetic words ever put on painting the English language were written by George Orwell in 1948.

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

In 2020 people are looking for reasons to be offended so they can enjoy the intoxication of power that comes from canceling someone.

From New York City:

Noose Found Hanging from Tree Inside Harlem Park Leaves Neighbors Rattled

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a noose.

A noose found hanging in a Harlem park named after a Black icon has left those in the neighborhood feeling a little shaken up, even if the supposed reason for it being there was not meant to be harmful.

Earlier Tuesday afternoon, Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised the New York State Police Hate Crimes Task Force would investigate the incident.

“I am disgusted by the recent discovery of a noose — the epitome of hatred and an evil icon of our nation’s racist past — in Harlem’s Marcus Garvey Park,” the statement read. “New York is no place for hate, and the progress we’ve made as a society will not be undone by the work of a few cowards.”

I bed to differ.  New York City seems to be good place for people who hate Jews and society was undone by the work of a few cowards, they were the NYPD leaders and Mayor who waffled in the face of riots.

But later in the evening, the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force indicated this was not an act of hate. The unit tweeted that they investigated thoroughly and determined from the park director that the noose was left over from a construction scaffold removed in the fall, used to hoist construction materials.

It wasn’t a noose, it was a loop.  There are many legitimate uses for a loop in a rope.  In this case, it was a hoist.

“I don’t see how a rope like that could’ve stayed this long through winter storms through wind. And it’s just perfectly there?,” asked Kanene Holder. She says if that is what happened, construction crews need to be better trained not to leave images of hate lying around.

“If we want to think about what the noose symbolizes, it is literally a direct threat on the lives of Black people in this country for centuries,” Holder said.

It wasn’t a symbol of hate.  It a piece of rope left over from a job site.

This woman want to punish a construction worker for what she has decided is a symbol of hate even though that was nowhere near his intention.

She knows that in the current zeitgeist she can stamp her boot in this guy’s face because she’s offended and some blue collar Joe has no power in society.

I want to see management tell construction workers “whatever you do, don’t make a loop in a piece of rope, don’t even crimp an eye in a length if cable just in case someone who doesn’t know what that is sees it and calls it a noose on Twitter.”

Then in hope construction workers in Blue cities just walk away and leave everything half finished.

We are a week away from this happening on Twitter:

“I saw a giant noose hanging from a huge metal gallows downtown. This city is racist, we must tear it down.”

“That was a lifting sling on a tower crane.”

“Stop pushing your symbols of white supremacy you racist.  I’m going to get you fired.”

Almost none of this is about actual racism.  It’s all about finding someone they can exercise power over and getting the intoxication of stamping on their  face.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “We are living in dangerous times, people are looking for reasons to be outraged and to hurt others”
  1. Reminiscent of the Jeep owner who had a Hi-Lift jack secured to the hood, and some SJW Karen flipped the fenomenon out over the “assault rifle” mounter to the vehicle.

    Similarly prideful ignorance.

  2. Is racism really that big of an issue any more? I mean real, honest to god racism. Racism like killing people because of their skin color, or denying goods or services for the same reason?

    Seriously, there is a reason why “institutionalized” or “systemic” racism has become the thing, and it’s because individual racism is not really that big of a problem any more.

    So, in order for the karens of the world to feel like they are doing something, they have to make a big deal about BS.

    1. If racism were still a major thing, there wouldn’t be a need to be THIS sensitive in finding “symbols of hate” or to strain at the rare-as-hen’s-teeth police-involved deaths.

    2. Real racism is fortunately rare and clearly diminishing, and has for decades. But that isn’t the point.
      The left needs “problems” to “solve”. If by some random chance it actually gets solved, they react by redefining the “problem” so it isn’t solved, to justify more and more intrusive and expensive government action.
      General rule: a government “Agency to fix X” will never actually fix X. Instead, it will spend lots of money doing things that don’t help X or, preferably, make X worse. And furthermore, it will then use the continued existence of X as arguments not for its abolition but for increased staffing and budgets.
      Alternatively, if X actually gets better, it will change its “mission” to be Y, so it can continue to grow and suck up the money from honest workers.
      Consider the EPA as a particularly nasty example. Smog is pretty much gone, so the parasites at that department invented Warmism as a new “problem” justifying their continued parasitic pay checks.

  3. Anyone else remember when Sarah Silverman freaked out about “swastikas” drawn on sidewalks… which turned out to be utility markings from road work?

    There seems to be a running theme in our society of limousine liberals self-righteously sneering down at the blue collar wage class. How dare the peons perform their labor where it might offend their betters’ sensibilities?

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