Two posts from Legal Insurrection:

Op-Ed: Campus Insanity Is Migrating To Society

Instead, what’s becoming increasingly clear is that academic leftism is metastasizing off-campus, spreading into some of the world’s largest corporations as well as institutions of culture, with graduated millennial employees as its carriers.

True. From the economic attacks to the NRA to the generalized elimination of Non-Liberal voices in Social Media, we are seeing a full fledged inquisition of not only the Conservative USA but also Middle America. It is not a wide-based army of people behind the Liberal Huns rolling down our country, but a dedicated and untouched minority who is getting away with it because they have not received real negative feedback.

On the other hand…

Punitive damage verdict against Oberlin College “was like a seismic wave moving quickly through the courtroom

When the punitive damage jury verdict was read in court yesterday in Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College, it was like a seismic wave moving quickly through the courtroom.

It was that big, bigger than anyone had expected. The added punitive damages was $33,223,500, charged to Oberlin College. That was $33 million in damages added on to the $11.2 million they had already awarded the small business family and its owners as compensatory damages.

Oberlin College personnel thought they were immune from playing SJW and inciting the students from falsely accusing a bakery of racism. This was not a shot across the bow, this was aimed amidships, detonated fully and left nasty gash on its side. It is also notice that people are tired of their stupidity and if they can, they will make them pay dearly.

And that is what i see will happen ion the near future. I am just wondering what will be the currency the SJWs will be shedding as it may not be monetary.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “We are living the Era of the Squeaky Wheel. The Grease is Coming.”
  1. “Grease is coming!”

    Kinda unusual for a rallying / battle cry these days, but there’s (phonetic at least) precedence.

    It could work.

  2. I now am less convinced of a looming Second American Civil War. If we can get redress through the courts for SJW crap, it will be the safety valve that can fix the abuses and reduce tensions. This verdict had better stand.

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