From NBC News in New York:

Here is what the NY Post is reporting:

The man accused of shooting two cops and stabbing a third in Brooklyn this week screamed “Allahu akbar!” three times during the unprovoked attack, police said Saturday.

A relative told The Post Thursday that Camovic, whose family hails from Bosnia, is a practicing Muslim and “absolutely not a terrorist.”

Allahu Akbar is Arabic for “God is great!” and is used by Muslims as a declaration of faith.

I don’t know what to tell you.  This is a real head-scratcher.  I hope one day we get to the bottom of this.  I’ll be honest, I’m stumped.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “We have another mystery here, gang”
  1. As I said when the enemedia was screaming for SecDef Rumsfeld’s job, that is a strong indicator that he is doing good things for the nation.

    Similarly, The Narrative strongly supports the thought that, indeed, islamist terrorism is A Thing, and that there is no systemic racism, and that, generally, cops are impartial professionals.

    Because, ref cops, if they were not, we wouldn’t require the Two Weeks of Hate, would we? There would be a catalog of misbehavior.

  2. NY Post: Allahu Akbar is Arabic for “God is great!” and is used by Muslims as a declaration of faith.

    I really, really wish they would stop with that misconception.

    Yes, “God is Great!” is one possible translation, but a better one would be, “Our God is greatest!”

    As in, better than yours. As in, we will win, not you. As in, I’m going to live in glory, and you’re going to die in shame.

    It’s not just a “declaration of faith.” It’s a zealous prediction of victory, usually through violence.

  3. Yes it is a declaration of faith, it is also a battle cry that Muslim armies have used for centuries, and is currently a statement terrorists use to both identify themselves, and to ensure their admittance to paradise during a martyrdom operation.

  4. Maybe I’m a little too conspiracy minded but this brings me back to another time when the left was trying to claim that America is racist. Because we don’t declare people with light colored skin terrorists, or so says the leftist narrative.

    I believe it was around the time of the Sutherland Springs church shooting, that there was also a terror attack in NYC. While the Texas officials were correctly not identifying the church attack as an act of terrorism, the NYC officials rushed to call their’s terrorism (incidentally they were right). At the time and the news coverage that followed, it seemed to be all about building the narrative that America only declares dark skinned people terrorists.

    Fast forward to this new event, even if it is politically motivated and has international ties, they need to keep building the narrative that America is racist and won’t rush to call light skinned people terrorists (Bosnian Muslims being by all accounts Caucasian, versus their Arab or Persian counterparts).

    Of course it’s ironic how it’s liberal Democrat NYC that is doing all the racism in building this narrative, but how that detail keeps getting left out of the news reports and it’s blamed on America at large is what seals the deal for me of it being intentional.

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