I have no idea who the fuck Robert Evens is.

I gather he is some sort of Antifa hero and mouthpiece.

I saw one of his threads on Twitter about the Saturday fight between Antifa and Proud Boys.

I have no love for the Proud Boys or any on the alt-right.  Fuck ’em.

But this thread almost made be blow a gasket.


This thread screams of the propaganda both the Nazis and the Soviets used, promoting the superiority of the German Ubermensch or the  New Soviet Man.

Fuck if this guy isn’t essentially pushing Antifa as the New Soviet Man.  Strong and fearless in the face of all resistance because of their commitment to the cause.

The problem is that after 83 days of victory, they have no reason not to believe in the superiority of their kind.

Every fiber of my being is screaming that we need to break them and break them hard.

I no longer care about their civil rights.

The next time Antifa gathers like that a bunch of patriotic Law Enforcement need to show up armed with MK48 MOD 1s and open fire into the crowd until there are no survivors.

After that, just Arc Light every massing of Antifa.

No more pepper spray, the only thing we should be soaking Commies with is thickened gasoline.

They have been emboldened by their wins.

They need a loss so hard it will be spoken about for generations.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “We have stayed our hands for too long”
  1. As much as we might like to commit genocide on our enemies, our founding documents prohibit it. What they don’t prohibit is arresting and jailing the offenders – – and, if local authorities refuse to do so or even collaborate with the rioters, President Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act to override the mayors and governors. And I’m inclined to think that those same mayors and governors could themselves be prosecuted under RICO laws for participating in a criminal conspiracy. Same with the Hollywood celebrities and leftist billionaires who provide bail funds for these rioters.

    1. This is CW2.0 and these people are neo-Confederates. What they hope to establish is a Communist state based upon a Social Justice social order of racial hierarchies.

      At the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union wiped out one-third of the Confederate army that fought there. On July 3, 1863, the Union Army killed half the Confederate combatants that mustered for Pickett’s charge.

      We are not dealing with criminals, we are dealing with a uniformed enemy that has declared war on the United States. Setting up belt fed and mowing them down like they are trying to cross a field in France in 1918 is an acceptable tactic.

      1. You have your scenario completely backwards, but that’s normal since you were never taught the true history of the War of Northern Aggression…That war was a failed second Revolution not a Civil War….But you’ll deny it even though I’ve been proven correct many times…

    2. But invoking the Insurrection Act plays into the hands of the TRUE fascists (blm/antifa being nothing but the modern day version of the Nazi SA) so we will not see it used until after the re-election, and it will be needed when Trump is re-elected as those fascists will lose their minds over the knowledge that they will have 4 more years of Trump and possibly 2 more years of total conservative rule in the United States.

  2. I would say rather that we need to target their enablers. The only reason they get away with this sort of behaviour is that the local and state governments have shielded them. It will do little good to attack them openly as it is now. Remember that even defending ourselves against these goons will be seen as criminal by the government tools that enable them as it is now and we’ll be up against law enforcement as well as antifa. Remember also that police resources in all these cities are already stretched thin. A little more time and they will be stretched too thin for the police to able to rescue them when they push too far. That’s when they need to be hit and hit hard.

  3. @Robert Evans Good points. Unfortunately, it’s pretty much guaranteed at this point that there will be a lawless period caused by the Democratic Party during which time we’ll all have to resort to means other than the law for defense of our own lives. Sad to say it, but Pres Trump ALREADY has grounds to invoke the Insurrection Act and has not done so. For the time being at least, we’re on our own. I would recomend that anyone who is able to do so analyze their tactics, particularly look for their command structure. These aren’t spur-of-the moment gatherings; they’re planned. We need to find ways to distract, weaken, or cripple their enablers, and not just at the street level.

    1. Good points, but they don’t go far enough. True, the leftist governors and mayors are enablers (giving support in the case of the Portland insurrection) but your idea doesn’t go far enough. To terminate the violence one has to go to the people who are providing the money for blm/antifa to operate…George Soros comes to mind. Investigate him and his son (who is his political clone) for any chink in his armor and throw their asses in jail!

    2. Patience Grasshopper: as former President Obama once said, he’ll have more flexibility after the election. And so will President Trump, if he’s re-elected.

  4. These rioters and Socialist Shock Troops were largely created by the complete abandonment of their duties by the Portland City Council, Mayor, Police Chief, DA, and the OR State Governor. If the police would have shut them down in the first week of June, then the indoctrination and brainwashing would not have been effective. They allowed the leaders of these domestic terrorists to select, train, and choose their fanatic footsoldiers.

    Just wait until they go hard underground and decide to be the modern version of the Weatherman Underground or Red Army Faction.

    1. Rd, you’re making the charitable assumption that we’re merely dealing with incompetence and negligence of the local authorities. At this point, another assumption that it at least as plausible is that they are active supporters of what is going on.

  5. What we see today –
    *They fly like an eagle swooping to devour;
    they all come intent on violence.
    Their hordes advance like a desert wind
    and gather prisoners like sand.
    They mock kings
    and scoff at rulers.
    They laugh at all fortified cities;
    by building earthen ramps they capture them.
    Then they sweep past like the wind and go on—
    guilty people, whose own strength is their god.”

    Question –
    *How long, Lord, must I call for help,
    but you do not listen?
    Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
    but you do not save?
    Why do you make me look at injustice?
    Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
    Destruction and violence are before me;
    there is strife, and conflict abounds.
    Therefore the law is paralyzed,
    and justice never prevails.
    The wicked hem in the righteous,
    so that justice is perverted.

    Answer –
    *“Look at the nations and watch—
    and be utterly amazed.
    For I am going to do something in your days
    that you would not believe,
    even if you were told.

    The American people have exhausted their patience, understanding, and tolerance of these violent spoiled brats.

    Their well earned consequences will begin soon…

    MSG Grumpy

    (* from Habakkuk)

  6. The proud boys aren’t alt-right. They’re just nationalists, not ethno-nationalists, and their soul reason for existing is just to show up and piss off antifa.

  7. Paid criminals, reinforced from other cities and countries. The Dems are hoping for a mass shooting incident by the police or national guard

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