Yes, this is 100% true.  It’s true because we have learned that every battle we lose loses us more of our rights.

That has been the lesson of gun control.  Gun rights have died the death of a thousand cuts.

We have never made a “compromise” that has gained us anything.  They take and we lose.

We are tired of losing.

What “compromise” is next?

Do we agree to identify the Capitol rioters?  If we do will you stop calling us racists?  No, of course not.  You will just put us on a list for knowing who those people were because of guilt by association.

We “compromised” on masks and lockdowns.  We agreed to “15 days to flatten the curve” and a year later that caused more children to die of suicide than COVID.

Families were bankrupted six months after the economy hit record highs because we compromised.

We agreed to gay rights because most of us believe in equality of civil liberties, but now we are called bigots if we ask how legalizing gay marriage cascaded into pedophile dragqueens teaching children in a library how to twerk.

This is why I am so adamantly anti-trans children.  I read what the activists say online and I know with every fiber of my being that they want a world in which is some Lefty teacher trans-ally finds out my little girl likes to play with her older brother’s trucks, she (the teacher) can have my daughter pumped full of puberty blockers without my consent.

What we know is that every hill is a hill to die on and that you cannot be given another inch.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “We learned this from precedent”
  1. We learned this from seeing the Democrats go all-out to protect thugs marching around with “We WILL Tread on You” t-shirts.

  2. I find it curious how it is always the folks on the right side of the political aisle that have to compromise all the time. When do the folks on the left give in a bit?

    Every election season, the GOP has to run a “moderate” in order to get votes, but the Dems can run the most extreme leftists commie socialist and that is perfectly OK.

    1. When Republicans field “moderates” like Romney, they’re turned into the reincarnation of an Austrian corporal.

      When Republicans field Trump — who, oddly, IS mostly a social and fiscal moderate — they’re turned into the reincarnation of an Austrian corporal. But things get done; the economy booms; the poorest earn wealth.


  3. re: your daughter

    I grew up in the 1960s. My brothers had Tonka trucks (including the hook and ladder fire engine), spy briefcases with built-in cameras, Estes rockets, and Creepy Crawlers. I had dolls whose hair grew when you yanked on it. You bet I envied my brothers’ toys! I got a doll every Christmas, played with it for a week, then went back to climbing trees. I’ve always preferred blue jeans to itchy, frilly dresses. Thankfully, no one suggested I was a boy, and I became a very happy mother of four children, all of whom I breastfed. Amazing how that works! I’d still rather go to a gun store or electronics store than to shop for shoes, but I am 100% straight female.

    When I was young, they told us that girls could like sports, science, math, and computers. Those kinds of preferences didn’t take away from our womanhood. Now it’s all backwards. Your daughter is and will be fine. Just keep fighting to keep her safe from all this “progress.”

  4. Another lesson we take to heart, by Martin Neimoller:

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left to speak out for me

    That is why we fight like Hell for civil rights for everyone, even those with whom we don’t agree.

    Because every rights restriction, every removal of civil liberties is one more step toward having none left, and every. single. inch. conceded will be used as a foothold to launch the next attack. It will never be enough for them, until they’ve taken it all.

    That is why every hill is worth dying on.

    No more one-sided “compromises”. No more “We’ll only take some and let you keep the rest … for now.” I want my whole cake, dammit!

    1. “===== The lament of the AHSA supporter =====

      First they came for the machine guns, and I didn’t speak up because I have a Remington 700, and who needs a machine gun to hunt with?

      Then they came for the “assault weapons,” and I didn’t speak up because I have a Remington 700 and who needs an “assault weapon” to hunt with?

      Then they came for the .50 caliber rifles, and I didn’t speak up because I have a Remington 700, and who wants to hunt with a .50 caliber rifle anyway (apart from those black powder nuts)?

      Then they came for the semiautomatic handguns, and I didn’t speak up because I have a Remington 700, and who hunts with a pistol? (Though those big-bore hunting revolvers are kinda neat, in a sick way.)

      Then they came for the rest of the semiautomatic rifles, and I didn’t speak up because I have a Remington 700, and anyone who needs more than one shot isn’t a real hunter.

      Then they came for the high-power sniper rifles; and even though my Remington 700 has a scope, and fires a round that will go through a car door, and I can hit the eye of an elk at 500 yards with it (not that I’m bragging or anything), the Second Amendment says we can have guns for hunting, and I only use it one week a year for hunting.

      But there was no one left to speak up for me, and they took it away.” — John D. Hardin

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