Set BS Racial Animus to 11.

“I feel like a slave sometimes in this building,” Lamar said. “I am tired of [sic] Republican Party expecting us as minorities to do what they want to do but treat us disrespectfully. Nah, we’re not doing that [sic] no more… We’re at the time of the session where [sic] gloves off.”

Democratic State Senator Warns Republicans of Riots After State Passes Pro-Police Bill – Tennessee Star

The whole thing was brought about a pre-emption bill that forbids local governments from forbidding LEOs to enforce State laws. Memphis enacted an ordinance prohibiting their PD from stopping vehicles for what they call “low-level traffic stops” and there were other more intrusive ordinances put on hold, but still being considered.

I do love this retort:

I believe that police protection should be a matter decided by the voters in each neighborhood. If certain secion of the city does not want cops patrolling the streets and arresting criminals, they should be free to vote on that.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “We must be getting near Election Time.”
  1. Nice little slam here:
    “I can assure you that her position is nothing like slavery,” wrote Young Republicans National Committeeman Luke Cymbal, also on X. “She is an elected Senator who was just heralded by state press for bringing her baby (illegitimate BTW) on the Senate floor during session.”

  2. At least she’s not being forced to play football for millions of dollars per year.

  3. The only response to this idiocy is:
    “If you think you are being treated like a slave, resign and go to a position where you feel like a free woman. There is a line of people that are more than willing to accept your position.”

  4. ” If certain secion of the city does not want cops patrolling the streets and arresting criminals, they should be free to vote on that.”

    And, should the electorate choose to adopt a policy against enforcement, there should be a requirement to provide notification of such to prospective visitors to the jurisdiction at each entrance to the jurisdiction in clearly visible upper case black letters at least 8 inches high on a white background.

    Otherwise, it shall be a requirement that state-wide laws be enforced throughout the state as equally as possible without regard to jurisdiction, preference or discimination.

  5. One more thing.
    This woman is using “shock” as a substitute for logic and reason.
    Why is the word “slave” used at all? Because it is shocking. It captures people’s attention.
    And, it is a clear demonstration of the mental age of this individual.

  6. “I believe that police protection should be a matter decided by the voters in each neighborhood. If certain secion of the city does not want cops patrolling the streets and arresting criminals, they should be free to vote on that.”

    There is a problem here, and it’s been evident for some time. It isn’t that they don’t want the police to enforce laws, it’s that localities want to pick and choose which laws apply to which people.
    Contrast J6 protesters with protesters of SCOTUS appointments like Kavanaugh.
    Think the black man who won’t be arrested for stealing, and contrast that with the man whose house is raided because he has a 30 round magazine.

    Democrats have a long history of this- only this time it’s black people who are demanding it.

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