We need to do what the environmentalist did to protect trees.

When a statute of the founding fathers comes up on the chopping block, people should handcuff themselves to the statues.

Cranes and forktrucks brought in to remove them should be sabotaged.

Air compressors and cutting tools to remove the statues from the pedestals should disappear.

Workers who come to remove the statues should have to pass through a gauntlet of harassment.

Maybe there are not enough people on the Right to muster a defense of these statues in the Blue cities and states where they are being torn down.  What I do know is that after six years of living in South Dakota, if they ever come for Mt. Rushmore, they better only send single men to try.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “We should borrow a play from the tree-hugger’s playbook”
  1. Problem is MOST red people have to WORK to help support those not on a trust fund who have plenty of time to go protest

  2. I have to say, J.Kb, when I saw the post headline I thought you were going to go more for the spiking trees equivalents, as “disincentives” for the mobs tearing them down.

    Maybe I’m just cynical.

    1. I’d booby trap the shit out of these monuments is i could. I just don’t know how to tree spike a marble pedestal.

  3. Curby beat me to it. You can only get a good crowd of conservative protesters if you hold the protests outside normal working hours.

    Unfortunately the people contracted to remove the statues work during normal working hours too.

    Not to mention, it can be difficult to get people who’s entire worldview revolves around “you leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone” to go harass people who are just trying to do the job they were hired to do.

    1. We’re gonna have to get over that last point very quickly. If you were hired to round up Jews/Unvaccinated/Trump supporters/Gun owners/misc. undesirables and take them to a camp, you bet your ass you are going to be harassed. Harassed with incoming live fire.

      I’d say the same for anyone hired to destroy a synagogue or church.

      So why not extend that to secular monuments to our civilization, like statues of Jefferson or Washington? Getting paid to do something immoral is not a justification.

      I’ve said it before, “I was just following orders” is an admission of guilt and deserves summary punishment.

  4. Important point touched on above.

    The average conservative just wants to be left alone. So, they are not going out deliberately looking for things to be outraged about, and they are not going out trying to stop others from living their lives the way they want.

    Which means when they find out something like this is going down, it is too late to do anything about it.

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