Those guys with their fishing boats and dune buggies who are just selfish and don’t want to pay more in taxes, they are rich, screw them.

Except they are not

Who are they?

Well, I can tell you who they are in Huntsville.  Most of them are engineers or technicians in the defense and aerospace industry.  Salaries range from $35/hour for aerospace technologist (CMM operator or machinist who works in a NADCAP facility) to $150K for a mid career systems engineer.

They have a house in the suburbs and drive an F-150.  They own a side-by-side or bass boat they got at Cabela’s for hunting or fishing.  The worked hard to achieve that white collar or gray collar middle to upper middle class lifestyle.

Education is generally a four year technical degree or very specialized technical training (e.g. avionics or radar systems).

Under normal conditions they would be the salt of the earth professional middle class that so many people aspire to become.

But because they support Trump, they are the evil rich.

I am one of these people, although right now my side-by-side money is going to daycare, but one day I want to buy one.

Last year I paid roughly $26K in federal income taxes alone. Just me.

I put in the effort that I do to be able to enjoy a certain quality of life.  I pay my taxes but it’s not my job to work to fund the Democratic party buying votes with government handouts.  That seems to be Don Lemon’s and Chris Cuomo’s supposition.

It is especially egregious considering that they make $4 million and $6 million respectively.

Those two work a couple of hours a day spewing shit out if their lying lie holes and make millions and they want middle class professionals to forego the bass boat they worked hard for their adult lives to be able to buy.

I wonder if this is a message that will attract people to Biden or drive them to Trump.

I for one believe that after 11 years of school and four years as an EIT, I earned the salary I have today and I’m not going to be made to feel like shit that I chose to buy myself a toy instead of feeding the bureaucratic beast with it.

Fuck them.


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By J. Kb

19 thoughts on “Wealthy CNN talking head advocates for dekulakization”
  1. “Find me the man and I will find you the crime.”

    They start with Trump supporters are all bad as the conclusion, and work backwards from there.

    Given that approach, it doesn’t matter their skin color, how much they make, what religion (if any) they follow, where the live, what they drive – no, those are all secondary characteristics that can be used to justify the ab initio conclusion.

  2. Let’s not forget that the money they “waste” on these activities goes to support the recreational areas and everyone involved in getting those activities on, from the guys & gals who created the raw materials for those machines, to those who sell and service them, and aftermarket companies that support them.

    1. The Leftists who want to limit or eliminate hunting every year, “to protect our wildlife”, have no idea how much hunters contribute to preserving those same wildlife species through their license and tag fees, and a portion of their firearms and ammunition purchases through the Pittman-Robertson Act.

      In short, a huge portion of the funds that preserve wild lands and resuscitate endangered wildlife populations are provided by the hunters themselves. Certainly almost none of it comes from the Left. But the Left is happy to eliminate hunting “to protect wildlife” — which will also eliminate the funding that does exactly that.

  3. So, this guy who is making millions by doing nothing more than talking in front of a camera is complaining that Trump supporters have too much disposable income, and they should give it to people who have less than they do.

    OK, Lemon. Show us how.

    Better yet, release your tax returns, and show us how you paid more than the minimum. Go on. Please….

  4. So he’s perfectly willing to be forced (and to have everyone else forced) by the gov’t to pay more but he’s unwilling to do it voluntarily? I’m sure there’s plenty of charities/organizations willing to accept 50% of his disposable income.

  5. There are two constants in the universe regarding the libtarded:

    1. They will hire accounting firms to make sure they don’t pay one red cent more than they have to.
    2. They give almost nothing to charity.

    I don’t mind a portion of my LOCAL taxes going to help those in my community that need help. But that bar is pretty high for me. What drives me insane is being at a store and seeing an otherwise ambulatory person, young enough to do work sitting on the dole.

    The thought that money you earn isn’t your money, but the gummints, boils my blood.

    1. The worst part is that they claim liberals are more charitable. The reasoning is that they are willing to give more money to the poor — just that it’s YOUR money, not THEIR money.
      And they say this quite seriously, not even pretending to understand what the definition of the work “charity” is.

  6. I don’t know why people are surprised what these people say when they are full-blown communists. And just like with communists they want to take everything you have and because they are hypocrites Keep all of theirs. Oh and don’t forget doing it at the point of a government gun.

  7. Proven fact- Republicans give more to charity than democrats. These people only see hate and racism. Its why cnn has lost millions of viewers. I have not watch ANY “news” program in over 10 years. Hey don- put yer money where your mouth is.

    1. Generally the folks on the left and the right have the same overall goals. Taking care of the less fortunate for example. I doubt anyone on either side of the political aisle is against helping those in needs.

      The difference comes in how they go about doing it. The the conservatives, they donate and help each other out. The liberals on the other hand, think a bigger government and taxation is the correct route.

  8. How much of your taxes go to the poor, and how much of your taxes go to fund the bloated, inefficient, and wasteful government programs to help the poor?

    1. It is not just the bloated inefficient government programs. I was recently introduced to the “homeless industrial complex.”

      There is a reason why Seattle is spending something like $100K a year per homeless person in the city, and practically none of it is going to the homeless. And, it is the homeless advocacy groups, the “charitable” organizations, the mental health organizations, etc… that are all lining up for taxpayer funded handouts under the guise of helping the homeless. Yet, despite their six plus figure incomes, somehow the homeless problem only gets worse.

      I do not care what Government program is set up, nor the intent of it, there will be a consultant that will take as much of that program’s budget, and do nothing with it.

      1. Almost makes we want to start up a “charitable foundation”. Call it the “Commission to Dis-Elect Donald Trump”. Solicit donations from Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans, set aside some amount for my salary and “administrative costs” to “keep the doors open”, and donate the rest to “people who’ve publicly disagreed with Trump”.

        That salary-plus-administrative-costs seems to consume 80% of the income, and the donations go to solid Republicans who ran for President in 2016, doesn’t necessarily need to be disclosed right away.

        Hey, if the Clinton Foundation can funnel 90% of its revenue to the Clintons and their election campaigns….

    2. The bloated, inefficient, wasteful government programs employ mobs of people who have a self-interest in expanding the bloated, inefficient, wasteful government programs.

      That is the audience of the MSM.

      1. The old Iron Law in action. And most of it has nothing to do with the stated goal of whatever government program they are a part of.

  9. This jibes with a thought I had regarding government-run healthcare.

    People bemoan the appearance of Gofundme pages for patients who need financial assistance with their medical bills.

    But — see, here’s the thing. I can contribute to those, of my own free will. And I’ve done so a couple times.

    Now, with government healthcare, who is paying?

    Well, all of us, since government does not generate wealth. It has to gain revenue through taxation.

    So effectively, government healthcare is a Gofundme that nobody can opt out of, for any reason (good or bad).

    How is this better than the aforementioned Gofundme again?

    1. And if the government decides NOT to treat someone, what options are there under a “single-payer” system?

  10. The thing about the CNN talking heads complaining about the “evil rich” (read: hardworking middle class with hobbies), is that the talking heads have nothing they’re into other than attacking the other side.

    They don’t have hobbies. They don’t have pastimes other than partisan political vitriol.

    I don’t spite the man who works his butt off and chooses to spend his disposable income on a fishing boat, dune buggy, ATV, etc. Just because I don’t want one doesn’t mean he can’t or shouldn’t have one if he can afford it. Everyone has their “thing” that they’re into, that they’re willing to invest in, just for the enjoyment. (A middle-class couple I know throws a Halloween party every year. They use their whole house and property, and they start planning a week after Halloween the year before. Between decorations, props, costumes, food, and booze, they probably drop $10K on it every year. But that’s their “thing”.)

    The talking heads don’t understand that. Here’s what I think they see: The talking heads are not into fishing and ATV-ing, so they see spending money on it as a waste, and if it’s a waste then the people who spend on it must have more disposable income than the talking heads do, and certainly more than they need.

    The Left doesn’t understand fun, or passion (other than hate), or participating for pure enjoyment. They only know that somewhere, people are having fun they don’t approve of (“wrongfun”) and feel a need to punish them for it.

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