A couple from California figured really quick that the rules that apply at home not necessarily apply in Miami. This was back in October 2020

MIAMI, Fla. (CNN) – A California couple was arrested in Miami on Sunday after getting into an altercation with staff at the airport.
According to CNN, 23-year-old Brittney Mohammadi was seen in cell phone video diving on the American Airlines check-in counter at the Miami International Airport.
She and her boyfriend, 26-year-old Manuel Arteaga, began yelling at airline agents when they wouldn’t allow Mohammadi to board the plane from Miami to LAX Sunday night because she didn’t have shoes on, witnesses said.
The couple was intoxicated, according to authorities.

Drunk couple arrested in Miami Airport after fighting with staff


The woman admitted in another interview that tequila was part of the equation. With both individuals sporting non-Anglo-Saxon last names, I think they figured they could pull a BLM tantrum and get away with stupid, but when you are dealing with a police force which is past the 60% comprised of Hispanics, Blacks, Haitians and others, trying to pull the Race Card falls brutally short.

At the end, they caught charges for disorderly conduct and intoxication, resisting arrest and battery of a police officer. They will probably be slopped in the wrist and hopefully banned from flying in that particular carrier so other flyers can be spared of their idiocy.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Miami. Californication is not permitted.”
  1. “The woman admitted in another interview that tequila was part of the equation.”

    Weaponsman, Kevin O’Brien, once put it this way:
    “EtOH is a force multiplier. It takes small piss poor decisions and magnifies them into tragedies of epic proportions.”

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