

Also, if she has a degree from UC Davis, why is she a corporal and not a lieutenant?  How utterly useless was her degree that she didn’t qualify for an officer’s commission?


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “We’re going to lose all the wars”
  1. I knew several people who enlisted with full 4 year degrees and never accessed to the officer corp. They did get advanced enlisted rank though.

    A few went Warrant, but most of them told me from what they already knew, they wanted nothing to do with being an occifer.

    That being said, many BA majors simply don’t meet the military’s education requirements for commissioning.

  2. That ad is B.S.

    One of the reasons boot camp is the way it is, is to break down the individual and build him/her back up as part of a group. It’s also the reason for uniforms, personal grooming standards, morale patches, etc.

    IOW, once she’s a soldier, her past, her background, her reason for being there, does not matter. What matters is, she is there, she is trained to do a job, and she does it. Period. Full stop.

    Is that maybe a bit degrading to her as an individual? Probably. But I guarantee, the soldiers serving with her, who may depend on her for their lives, do not care that she comes from a two-mom household, that she marched for equality, or that she graduated high school at the top of her class. They care that she can do her job.

    Also, if she has a degree from UC Davis, why is she a corporal and not a lieutenant? How utterly useless was her degree that she didn’t qualify for an officer’s commission?

    First thought: Coming from that background, “Gender Studies” isn’t an unlikely possibility.

    Second thought: The ad never said she graduated, did it? Just that she attended and joined a sorority. No graduation, no degree, no officer’s commission.

  3. At 17 my grandma was a military scout at the front lines of WWII. Her stories of what war duties did to women’s bodies were horrifying. She was twice grievously wounded in combat and suffered her whole life.

    But even non-weapon injuries by female medics carrying injured from the front lines, communication specialists dragging cables and equipment were horrid and life-changing. Xy and xx chromosome pairs affect human bodies in different ways.

    My gram would have never voted for excluding females from the combat. She volonteered to avenge her family burned by Nazis.

    But she always insisted, that if you signed up for the job, you carry the full load, equal or heavier than others.

    There should be one set of requirements for the job. You are equal or you are not. And if not, you need to get another job. It is that simple.

  4. Ugh. Just f-ing ugh! Who f-ing cares how she was raised???

    Perhaps she can join a “raised-by-lesbians” unit (like the homosexual helicopter crew). Whatever.

  5. More proof that Biden is just Carter Pt2- we’re back to the bad old days of the Hollow Military.

    1. Trump made a nice point a day or two ago: comparing Biden with Carter is unfair to Carter. That’s because Carter screwed up a whole bunch of crises that came to him unsolicited — but Biden actually CREATED the crises he’s screwing up.

  6. The goal hasn’t been to win a war since, well, Korea. The goal is to produce endless “peace processes” which can provide sinecures for Ivy League grads, travel to exotic places, and luxurious hotel stays — all on the taxpayer’s dime. Then you can retire on a fat pension — still on the taxpayer’s dime — and bask in having served “peace” all your life.

    Never mind that the low-intensity conflicts accumulate more corpses and do more destruction than total war. They only care about the instantaneous number, not the area under the curve.

    1. To be fair, once the MAD club got started in 1948, it’s kind of hard to get a proper total war going without running the risk of a free Instant Sunrise- as most nations tend to be somehow connected to someone with nukes.

      And then there was the great Non-Aligned Game, where the small nations could boss the big ones, lest they go and cozy up to the other side. Thus PJ O’Rourke’s comment about how we pay nations to be socialist so they won’t go communist.

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