By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “We’re gonna be sending lieutenants into the field, commanding troops, who have been taught to believe every iota of Woke ideology”
  1. Believe anything. Just like how they will all believe by the end of 2024 that the complete and total extermination of all human life in the United States by the deployment of the full nuclear arsenal is an acceptable course of action to take to keep the Democrats in power if there’s an population uprising. Because once the military starts killing civilians that’s not gonna go over what the population at large. But they can just kill the entire population at large.

    I mean that position is already fully supported by all military leadership. It’s just a matter of time before The rest of them do.

  2. Now you know why they fired Sean Spicer, Kelly-Anne Conway, and all the other Trump Appointees from the West Point, Annapolis, and other Service Academy Advisory Boards. The biden Appointess will bend over backwards to allow this crap.

  3. Hahaha, these are The Smart People.

    They dont even know the difference between a Male and a Female.

    Psychosis is Contagious. As is evident.

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