Trump was running about 3.5 percentage points ahead of Democratic nominee Joe Biden at 11 p.m. That would be a larger victory than 2016′s Trump victory and more than qualify for what people in the political world call a “Florida landslide,” which is anything greater than 1 point in a statewide electon.

Biden performed badly and Trump performed especially well in Miami-Dade, the state’s largest county. Biden was leading Trump 53.3% to 46%. That put Biden up by only 83,000 from the Democratic-leaning county, shortly before 11 p.m. He needed much more for a statewide win.
How big a deal was the result?
“Miami Dade. No words,” Democratic strategist Kevin Cate wrote on Twitter. “I don’t see a way for@JoeBiden to win Florida,” he added.
Although Trump didn’t win the county, Biden performed much worse there than Hillary Clinton did four years ago. Clinton captured 63% of the vote four years ago.

Trump in solid position to win Florida, thanks to Miami-Dade

The difference this time around? 7 measly points.

This is cataclysmic for South Florida Democrats, specially the Miami-Dade office. Broward performed as expected, but the fire that Trump brought to bear down here, cut them off at the knees.

By the time of this post (12:10 AM), Fox News and one local TV station acknowledged Trump’s win in Florida., nobody else has. It is like they refuse to concede to the obvious.  I have been checking the official numbers for the past 4 hours and they proportions do not move, this turkey is done barring some hidden truck with 400,000 previously missing ballots.

Florida, we did our job. Congratulations.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “What did I tell ya? Experts blame Miami Dade for Biden’s crappy performance.”
  1. [Air quotes] Experts. [/Air quotes] RME & LOL

    *Experts* like this bigoted idiot from that laughably f%#$ery called ‘the 1619 Project.’

    “‘Here comes some racism!’ 1619 Project’s Nikole Hannah-Jones promises upcoming piece explaining how ‘white Cubans’ aren’t real Latinos”

    Lady, you can GFY.

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