I saw this headline in USA Today:

Biden describes talk with Jacob Blake during Kenosha visit: ‘He talked about how nothing was going to defeat him’

It makes me wonder what Biden and Blake discussed.  Their respective histories (Biden and Blake), I suspect the topic was “fingering bitches without their consent.”

I just want to know who thought it was a good idea for Creepy Joe Biden to have a sympathetic meeting with a man who had a warrant for his arrest for sexual assault when he got shot?  The optics on that suck something fierce.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “What did they discuss? Also, what are Biden’s people thinking?”
  1. The rape victim has been memory-holed. She doesn’t matter to the left anymore. It doesn’t fit the narrative. Blake also didn’t have a knife, didn’t fight the cops, and wasn’t tasered previously no matter what the barely shown videos show.

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