Today I went to the post office to do a couple of things and one of those was to cancel my PO Box rental.

For some reason, the fact that I did not want to leave a forwarding address set the postal employee on a sour streak. He admonished me that any mail coming to the box for me was going to be returned to sender. I bit my tongue to avoid snapping back about all the mail I was still getting from the previous user and I simply replied that it was fine with me. The dude actually huffed in disgust when I said that.

Is it now acceptable to be perpetually irritated and impolite at other folks? No reason?

I’ll will keep being polite. Not only is legally smart, but tends to raise their blood pressure when they can’t get a rise (sp?) out of you.

Enjoy your ulcer nd stroke.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “What is it with the new wave of being impolite?”
  1. I bought my house three years ago. It was formerly a rental property. I still get mail for the last tenants, in spite of marking it return to sender, not at this address and putting it in the mailbox. They get almost as much mail as I do!

  2. Aye truly wise words there, kill em with kindness since it seems to reeeaaaallllyy get under belligerent people’s skins faster than anything.

    As to why I suspect its approaching end stage on the Cult of Me mindset.

  3. Smile! It really pisses the b@stards off!

    At my rental, I am getting mail for the last 5 tenants.

  4. Not a fair test. USPS employees are normally rude and unfriendly. And unwilling to do their job.

    I had a package “not delivered, address verification needed” from Amazon. Given that I receive many packages a month from Amazon, I really don’t think it was that.

    There was a time when I had a rental box at a commercial firm. The advantage was that everybody would send to the address, as compared to a PO Box where they won’t deliver things.

    Address was something like:
    Therefore P. Maker
    18 Main St, Apt 666
    Anytown, XX, 00000

    UPS, FedEx and USPS would all deliver to it. Anyway, no matter what time I showed up, there was a friendly person behind the counter that moved quickly to help.

    My local PO is bad to ok. I’ve walked in to see 7 or 8 people in line and nobody at the counter. In the back you can see 4 or 5 people chatting away. Finally one comes to the counter and is grumpy to assist.

    USPS is just the worse of the delivery services. It just happens to be cheaper today to use than the others.

    1. Same for me. When I had to get a temporary apartment for work, I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of setting up mail and all that stuff. I just set up a box at the UPS Store so I could get my stuff delivered but not have to worry about stuff getting “yoinked” from the front porch.

      Way better service than dealing with the local PO and no issues with deliveries like a PO Box.

    1. Sorry, I mean I’m still getting mail for the former tenants. Magazines, flyers, and junk mail.
      I gave up on return to sender, since it never stopped the same magazines from being delivered.

  5. Now, at my local, small, Post Office, which I’ve used for 30 years, I have never, ever, had a rude encounter. All of them are pleasant, but the one I’ve known for 25+ years is friendly, smiling, and chipper every time we meet. She’s a downright angel!
    I guess I’m blessed to have a small post office with friendly people.
    Just luck of the draw, I guess!

    1. I’ve had similar luck with small rural post offices. One in particular, this was when I first came to NH, around 1979. I often had to travel so I would stop my mail for the trip. It got to the point where I’d walk through the door of the PO and the clerk greeted me with “Hi Paul, need your mail held?”
      The other fun item, same town, is that my address was “RFD 3, Brian Drive”. At some point some magazine I subscribed to decided that “Brian Drive” was the name of the subscriber, so the mag started arriving address to Mr. Drive, with my actual name missing. Didn’t faze the PO, they kept right on delivering it.

  6. If you keep getting ail that is not yours, you can request a form from the PO (forget what it was, but i think it was blue) and on it you list the names of the residents that you want to receive mail. Have had to do that at three different addresses now. It works very well, with the exception of stuff that has others names and includes “or current resident”

  7. People hate thier lives. I see it alot here in blue(balled) maine. Lots unhappy “kind compassionate liberal s here. Bleep em. Just smile and think “I dont live with this sad sak)

  8. Rude?

    Or disdain for someone who Does Not Know And Will Not Follow Proper Procedure?

  9. We still get mail addressed to the dude that built the house, back in 1994. He hasnt lived here since the early 00s.
    Our usual mail lady is awesome. She knows everyone on her route by name, and even if something has our address royally screwed, if she sees the name and a bad facsimile of the address, it gets delivered. When the local JWs decided to “minister” to us by spamming our mailbox with watchtowers and “letters to our dear friends,” the post office tried to keep resending stuff to us i had marked “return to sender” – until she saw that and put a stop to it.
    Unfortunately, she’s retiring in a few months.
    I have had loud arguments bordering on screaming matches with the previous local postmaster over other employees of his stealing mail and packages right from our gate – he had a nepotistic hire whonwas “untouchable” for some reason, who would keep packages until or unless they were reported stolen; if so, she and her boyfriend would drive past after dark to chuck the boxes out the window at the intended recipients’ houses.
    He and his replacement postmaster keep attempting to force rural boxes like ours to have to rent PO boxes, as a “cost saving” measure, by repeated attempts to discontinue rural routes and/or force eveyone to use communal boxes (non-lockable, of course) miles away from our homes.
    Our regular carrier is great. She’s leaving. We’re gonna have super sucky mail service here out, i suspect.

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