By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “What to Expect from Ahmaud Arbery & Kyle Rittenhouse Trials: The Law of Self Defense.”
  1. I’m sorry I had to watch a ScrewUTube video.

    Lots of really good information.

    Nearly wet myself laughing when he said about the FBI management: “They wouldn’t rise to this level if….”

    I said from day one, the Zimmerman verdict was a win for the gun grabbers because it would make people think long and hard about being involved in a 100% COMPLETLEY LEGAL self defense shooting. Even if you are 1005, they can still destroy you.

    Kyle Rittenhouse: Nothing to say but the known, public information confirms 100% a good self defense shoot. The reckless endangerment charges are their bullshit fallback charge.

    Arbery: These guys fucked up huge. I get that people may be tired of some piece of shit continually stealing from them, but they went beyond what they should have done.

    “Citizen’s Arrest Laws” DON’T LIKE THEM !!! It will make ill informed make poor decisions. There are far more things that can go bad than what good could come of it. This is a perfect example.

    I did not know Georgia state law about burglary. Combining all of the laws in question, this guy makes a great self defense argument.

  2. Related: Man who shot at Minneapolis Police druring Floyd Riots was acquitted this week.

    Background. The Mayor declared a curfew.. A police squad in an unmarked van were driving around with the side door open,. Their cop cams were running.
    They were shouting and yelling at people to get out of the streets, and they were also firing less than lethal shotgun rounds at curfew breakers out on the street as they drove down the street. Think of the FBI Johnson and Johnson helicopter scene from Die Hard, except it is a van in the minority neighborhood, not a Huey. Yee Ha! Redneck door gunners in an urban free fire zone? .

    They fired at the defendant and hit him in the chest. He Fired Back at people that shot and hit him from a civilian looking van. They identified themselves as Police as they piled out of the unmarked van. He dropped the gun and proned out on the ground. They took about twenty seconds to reach the defendant, then hogpiled him and beat on him for about 30 seconds, and arrested him for shooting at them.

    Finally goes to trial last month. Bench, not a jury trial. Found not guilty. Oh, BTW, The defendant was black, Jaleel Stallings. Officers have not been disciplined yet. Maybe since this trial is over, they will do something about disciplining the officers. Before the civil trial for beating on a proned out suspect so bad it is visible in the Stallins’ booking photo. .

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