Woodchipping is too merciful.  Death is too quick.

Anyone who would do that to an infant needs to suffer more.

I’m thinking boiling alive in oil.  Slowly being lowered into boiling oil.  Also, being shot full of adrenaline beforehand just to make sure that they don’t pass out to avoid the agony they deserve.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “When being shoved feet first through a woodchipper is too merciful (blood pressure warning)”
  1. I think we need to explore the wonderful world of chemical exposure with these people.

  2. I will repeat, again, that all the available medical literature states unequivocally that their is no objective evidence and no empirical data that even hints at the possibility of maybe perhaps kinda sorta diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in a prepubescent child. The experts are evenly split on whether or not it can be diagnosed in a child during puberty. Every reputable source for diagnostic criteria cautions against assigning such a diagnosis unless the patient is post-puberty and ideally an adult.

    1. As you have said many times before, it’s a socially acceptable, modern version of Munchhausens By Proxy.

      1. I don’t think social acceptability is here yet, most of society still regards this as extremely troubling behavior. Although, these kooks are definitely trying to push the Overton Window… and they’re piggy-backing on the rest of the LGBT movement to do it.

  3. This is the inevitable end game of any leftist policy.

    It is not enough to accept transgenderism (in this situation). No, simply not caring what gender you choose is not enough.

    You must celebrate it, find it desirable, and wish it upon your children. That is the only way to prove you are not a bigot.

  4. My question for them is, “If males are the default villain (cis/hetero males to the LGBTQIAA++ movement, males in general to the uber-feminist movement) and “toxic masculinity” is a Very Bad Thing [TM], why the Hell are you encouraging girls to be boys?”

    I mean, if women are innocent by default and men are a problem to be “solved” (via a “Final Solution”, perhaps), shouldn’t it be the other way around?

    Just saying.

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