NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — As the number of stolen guns soars in Nashville, Metro police said urgent requests to firearm owners are not enough and they’re asking lawmakers for help. This comes as the efforts to criminalize loose gun storage are put on hold.

“Despite these ongoing requests for enhanced personal responsibility, the number of guns stolen from vehicles has only increased in Nashville,” said Metro Police Chief John Drake in a March 2023 letter to the chairman of the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee.

Chief Drake said the police department’s efforts include a weekly social media campaign pointing to the number of guns stolen that week and the running tally year to date. Plus, regular reporting of stolen firearm numbers by Nashville media outlets and signage across the city, urging drivers to secure guns in vehicles.
Now, the department is asking for legislation to help hold gun criminals accountable.

Number of guns stolen from cars soars as legislation is put on hold (

I have seen their “efforts”: some PSA ad on TV at three in the morning and the occasional bleep in Twitter. There is no true campaign seeking to change minds about this idiocy. And yes, it is an idiotic thing for Gun Owners to leave weapon unsecured in their vehicles which a lot of times are not even locked apparently. And this apparently perennial idiocy is the fodder the Antis need to demand gun control legislation. The bad part is that they may get it and we have nobody but us to blame for it. We need to either convince our fellow gun owners that glass windows are not an effective criminal stopper or be ready to have legislation shoved up our fannies.

Leaving your weapon unsecured in the car is the equivalent of buying a $1,000 gun and spend $15 on a cheap nylon holster. It is fucking stupid.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “When idiots keep making it harder for the rest.”
  1. So the answer is….. more laws. Brilliant.
    The “gun culture “ as a whole is extremely disappointing… it is filled with arrogance and ignorance.. Sad that the ONE thing that keeps America free is treated with lackluster respect.. “make criminals responsible for gun crimes”…. Face plant… duh.

  2. Leaving your weapon unsecured in the car is the equivalent of buying a $1,000 gun and spend $15 on a cheap nylon holster.
    Or putting a $20 red dot from Amazon on their SCAR.
    And yet, people do all of these things, and then complain about the results.

  3. “Now, the department is asking for legislation to help hold gun criminals accountable.”

    Ooh, “gun criminals”. That’s a new one for me.

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