By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “When Law and Order died?”
  1. law and order has been dieing for a while… the covid insanity and “peaceful riots” proved that… on the one hand some are screaming “fuk da po po” and on the other theres the thin blue line…. video of cops “allegedly “ doing something bad and video of cops doing heroic things.. democrats with thier double standard of giving vile nasty “people “ a pass because they fit the narrative and honest hard working Americans get fukked for self defense…. just make you not trust ANYONE and reteat further and further away from “society “…. soon I fear its going to come to “shoot everyone you don’t know “… our esteemed “leaders” here just passed a bill – an act to ban “para military “ “ training “….. W. T. F. does that mean???? supposed to have come about from “nazi” activities here last year… I am still digging to find out exactly what this means… how it may affect getting together on a weekend with friends and do some shooting… does swat show up and kill us all for “paramilitary training”????

    1. “how it may affect getting together on a weekend with friends and do some shooting… does swat show up and kill us all for “paramilitary training”????”

      In some jurisdictions, that’s exactly what they want to do. They just need an excuse. If they can label you as “paramilitary” they have that excuse. Killing a few “paramilitary” will further discourage others from training. It’s all about civilian disarmament.

      Keep in mind: the only reason government wants to disarm you is because they intend to do something you would shoot them for.

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