I’m  starting to believe that the Left got mad at Marjorie Taylor Greene for comparing the unvaccinated to Holocaust victims because she was exposing their plans.

If you want to get vaccinated, do it.

If you don’t, you have that right to make that risk assessment for yourself.

I’ve been vaccinated.

I will not vaccinated my children against COVID, because it appears from the data that the younger a person is, the less severe COVID is and the more severe the vaccine side effects.

Each and every person has the right to do the cost benefit analysis for themselves as to which risk they are willing to live with: 1) the risk of catching COVID and having a bad/fatal case of it, or 2) getting vaccinated and having a bad/fatal reaction to the vaccine.

If it’s true that vaccinated people can catch and spread COVID, the same as with the flu, then forcing other people to be vaccinated has no effect on your safety.  All a vaccine will do is reduce the severity of your symptoms.

So it should be none of your business if other people are are are not vaccinated since you can catch it from either group.

But that sort of rational thought is not the point.

Vaccinated are one group and unvaccinated are another.

The vaccinated group has been encouraged to look down on the unvaccinated as stupid, ignorant, unthinking, lowlives, who deserve neither empathy or respect.

So vaccinate status just becomes another tribal identity and those who are unvaccinated can be oppressed, tortured, subjugated, and punished as a collective.


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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “When politics becomes tribal, unvaccinated just becomes another tribal identity to oppress”
  1. Ah, yes, the false dichotomy of “vaccinated” vs. “unvaccinated” as a stand-in for “protected” vs. “unprotected.” Breakthrough cases aside, why the conspicuous non-mention of folks who have come through a bout of ‘Rona and now have antibodies?

    On the last episode of Bret Weinstein’s “Darkhorse Podcast” (#89), at the ~26-30 minute mark, they discuss studies/papers that show that there’s immunity from having gone through an infection, with that immunity being both strong and broader-acting.

  2. I saw this on GAB this morning. I think it pretty much sums it up.

    The reason so many vaxxed people are pushy and adamant about you getting it too, is because deep down they fear they made a mistake and don’t want to be alone with their choice.

    If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable that you made the right choice and they didn’t. They followed the science. YOU have to be wrong. Even if you’re right, you have to be vaxxed too so everyone suffers equally.

    1. An interesting hypothesis, and totally fitting with human psychology.

      It also explains the near-schadenfreude reaction when the media reports that 97% of hospitalizations and 99% of deaths are in unvaccinated individuals. “Ha! I was right! How do you like that, you stupid science deniers!”

      For the record, I don’t believe the reported numbers are as clear or cut-and-dry as the media reports. For one thing, there is significant pressure from the administration to report Narrative[TM]-friendly numbers, and for another, even in the best of times the media is notoriously bad about looking at complex situations and over-simplifying the statistics into a meaningless 5-second sound-byte — for example, I expect part of that “97%” and “99%” is a VERY loose definition of “unvaccinated”, chosen to make those numbers as large and scary as possible.

  3. And ivermectin will treat the symptoms if you catch it. If you can find a doctor brave enough to use it.

    1. There’s at least one online doc who, given a satisfactory account of one’s medical situation, will prescribe a course of ivermectin just-in-case. That leaves the question of actually buying the stuff at a sane price, but there are options for that.
      (And any hard-core prepper will have a source for veterinary meds, but some of us would prefer to stick to calibrated human doses, with instructions for the specific human who’s meant to use the stuff.)

  4. There goes ‘my body, my choice’. Aaaaaaand it’s gone.

    Hope they enjoy government control over their bodies and health.

  5. “I’m angry, & I’m right.”
    — dbag Twatter rando Jon ‘Bowser’ Bauman

    Well seig fucking heil, twatter nazi. GFY with baseball wrapped in rusty razor wire. SMDH

  6. Reading those tweet threads they REALLY seem to want this to go hot……or they truly don’t know what they’re pushing.

  7. My lady is a firm devote of the Branch Covidians. She was and is terrified of the damn bug. She reads everything about it and not just the junk stuff that MSM puts out. She puts out the effort to read medical journals and is in contact with people that actually study viruses to help explain some of the things going on.

    Having said that, she’s a bit wacko regarding it. Every sniffle in the house is Covid. Every contact is a plague bringer.

    When they announced that children would be eligible for the jab, my daughter wanted to be first in line, as she has been frightened to an extreme by my lady. Son doesn’t really care. But daughter, she of the “needles are so scary I’d rather chop of my leg instead” yet is perfectly happy putting rounds down range with a grease gun wanted that jab right then.

    I put a 4 month hold on the kids getting the jab. I’m still not sure I want them to get the jab. There is just enough data coming back that I’m uncomfortable with them getting jabbed. The adults in the household have all gotten jabs but I’m not worried about reproductive issues, we aren’t making any more children. And bluntly, we’re old. If the jab kills us we’ve had a good run. So the risk was worth it.

    For the kids though? I want more information and that is going to take time.

    On Saturday son came down with a sore throat and cough, he ran a fever. So of course my lady leaps to “It *might* be Covid!” so he’s gotten over to the rite-aid to get his covid test and we’ll know in a short time.

    Nobody seems to remember that he gets a cold/flu every time he goes and competes at the local swim meet. And the week before that he was out camping with a bunch of boy scouts for a week.

    It is much more likely that he has the flu than the covid. But we have to treat him like he has Covid and my daughter is terrified of catching it from her brohter.


  8. If we can raise the price of health insurance for those who choose not to be vaccinated because COVID, we can raise them for those who choose to put dicks in their mouths and asses because of AIDS.

    1. Don’t forget HIV and Intravenous Drug Users.

      This would make Lesbians low risk. Wouldn’t that balance out the Gay higher risks? Lesbians almost never get AIDS from their partners through sexual contact (last I heard it was a single confirmed case nationwide).

  9. I will not get the jab. However, I have no problem lying to strangers: “yes, I’m vaccinated!”
    (Thinking, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, flu, shingles, etc.)

  10. Therefore,

    Please show your wife the Real, Actual Data on youth getting Chinese Coronavirus. Minnesota had three (3!) children under the age of 20 die from COVID-19 in the last 18 months.

    Three out of 113,941 COVID Positive children under 20. That is a 0.002633% death rate.


    Many other states have equally good or more complete data. Replace the fear with facts. Children do not die from Chinese Coronavirus. For comparison, Minnesota too often has 3 chidren die from the usual run of the mill, yearly flu in a SINGLE WEEK. Three in a week versus three in 18 months.

    If your kids are obese, immune suppressed, overweight, or asthmatic, you may want to innoculate them. If they are normally healthy, you are in my uninformed and unofficial opinion prudent in delaying or foregoing the vaccine. This is YOUR Family’s Decision. Good Luck.

    In the mean time, make sure you do everything to keep yourselves healthy. Vitamins, especially Vitamin D and Zinc. Rest and good nutrition, exercise and just live healthy.

  11. Therefore,

    Yiou may also want to have everyone take an Antigen test BEFORE they get vaccinated. If you already had the Wuhan Flu, it is actually more effective than a vaccination.

    For the record, I have had the vaccine. No side effects thankfully. I did it because I am over 60, and a lardbutt with pre-diabetes, and want to visit my parents in assisted living.

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