Miguel covered the disgusting Washington Post obituary of Abu al-Baghdadi.

But I have to disagree with him, it was not editorial oversight.

Bloomberg News did it too.


As Ian Fleming said: “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

This is enemy action in two different newspapers.

This is what happens when a journalist’s brain is eaten up by TDS like mad-cow disease.  They are so focused on being anti-Trump that they write obituaries about mass-murdering, Jihadist rapists like they are civil rights leaders.


Because Trump authorized and announced the special forces strike on them.

This is how deep their hatred for Trump goes.

Trump could come up with the cure for cancer and give it away for free and the media would report the story as “unemployment spikes as oncology specialists suddenly put out of work by Trump.”

It makes you wonder if they are willing to whitewash the life of one of the worst terrorists since Bin Laden because of Trump, what else are they lying to you about.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “When TDS makes you support Jihadism”
  1. If Trump came up with a cure for cancer and gave it away for free, I would also expect headlines like: “Trump enables genocide, uncounted trillions of human cells are horribly murdered, AOC demands an investigation.”

        1. West of the Cascades … and north of the Oregon-California border.

          South of that border, if you predict rain they’ll just hate you twice.

          First for promising relief from the drought conditions, and second for being wrong.

  2. Bloomberg News: Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq

    ISIS, an international Islamic terrorist organization, is now “an entity”.

    Is that like how 9/11 was when “somebody did something”?

    That’s not whitewash. That’s revisionist history.

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