…do not correct them. And Gun Control has taken the side of Black Lives Matters/Fuck The Pigs  and the Anti Cop sentiment among the Left.

Somebody “got scared” (more likely decided to teach the cop a lesson) and had a LEO removed from an Outback Restaurant.

In an update to his initial post, Ward noted that he was asked to leave after Outback management bent to the will of an unhinged customer. According to Ward, “There was another customer who was ‘scared for her life’… because ‘police are shooting people.’” Ward explained that “the customer went on to demand to be escorted to her vehicle out of fear of being shot.”
Outback Steakhouse: No Rights, Just Rules

Besides the sheer stupidity of pissing off the local LEOs that you may need to come to you place in case somebody decided to beat the shit out of you for the daily receipts, the manager has engaged in dumb politics that do not benefit his/her franchise. It will take no time for the LEO to find out that the chain has an Anti Gun policy for everybody and thanks to their stupidity, we have one more officer on our side (If he was not there to begin with.)

I can’t see the wrong in that.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “When the Enemy is making a mistake…”
  1. This is what I call a “Snowflake Moment”- where someone throws a hissy fit in public for some SJW approved reason in order to get all sorts of attention.
    In this case, the customer in question got lots of positive attention, probably got a free meal, and was super special for just a little while. And depending on her social and work circle, may have even gotten more positive attention afterwards.

    Afraid for her life… yeah, no. Were she afraid for her life, she would have sat there quietly until the bad police man left. If the cop seriously wanted her dead, what’s the employee going to do by walking her to her car? Act as a human shield? Break out some kung-fu?

    Finally, wouldn’t it be ironic if that manager was in a store being shot up, and when the manager called 911 to beg for officers with guns to come, the police were to reply “we’re sorry, but you asked that armed officers not be present on your premises. We’re going to try and honor your wishes.”

  2. “we’re sorry, but you asked that armed officers not be present on your premises. We’re going to try and honor your wishes.”

    hahahahahaha! (wheeze) HAHAHAHAHAHAH! (wheeze( Hehehehehe! I love it! Hey, Outback! Maybe your should toss a bloomin’ onion at your assailants!

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