Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he is signing executive orders that will curtail fraud in vaccine distribution. He’s also extending the eviction moratorium and putting a hold on pay raises for elected officials.

Cuomo emphasized the importance of making sure the proper people are getting the vaccine. He said during a news conference on Monday that his executive order will increase the penalty for any provider that disregards COVID-19 vaccine prioritization.

Gov. Cuomo says any provider that intentionally administers a vaccine to a person who is not eligible could face a $1 million penalty and the revocation of all state licenses. The executive order also states the eligibility of recipients will have to be certified as part of the vaccine process.

Cuomo Signing Executive Orders on Vaccine Fraud, Eviction Moratorium, State Pay Raises

Here is the issue. When I bumped into a discussion about this, I found out (remembered too from the old days) that vaccines have a shelf life and specially this one for the Wuhan V. as it has to be kept a very low temps for storing and transport, but once brought to usage temperature, it has to be used all.

What does this executive order does? Guarantee that either some people will go without vaccination (“sorry ma’am, we cannot open a new vial just for you. Come back tomorrow and bring friends”) or it goes to waste because rather than giving leftover shots to others not in the approved lists, the facility and doctors will not risk a hefty fine and losing licenses and tosses away the open vial.

And don’t forget that these tyrants are doing what they do because they have the “best available medical advice by the best people” which means probably somebody who actually had a hygiene class in high school.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “When the Fuhrer dictates Healthcare.”
  1. Preview of “Medicare for All.” Tyrants, petty and great, with their bureaucratic sycophants, will determine who gets what health care when, based on such criteria as: Did you vote for me? Did you pay the baksheesh? Are you in a favored ethnic or religious group?

    Seems to me that a $1 million fine exceeds what can be done via Executive Order especially without due process, but the Constitution appears to have been suspended in New York.

  2. ANOTHER reason to (a) unass FNY, as well as (b) the next time FNY has another “healthcare crisis”, to stand well outside borders, and display the Internationally Recognized Invitation to Participate in Fertility Rituals. One finger required on each hand.

    Hell, cold day, my working in FNY. Arrange in suitable order.

  3. Prioritization of the vaccine, and the massive amount of discussion is just another panic driven part of this panicdemic.

    As of yesterday, NY State has been provided almost 775K doses of the vaccines. NYC itself got over 300K of them. The first responders and medical personnel in NYC likely do not number anywhere near that. There are about 36,000 cops, about 10,000 firefighters, probably about 100,000 medical workers (total guess as I cannot find a better number.) If every “first responder and medical worker” in NYC got their shots, that would leave about 100,000 doses for the riff-raff. (Oh, and let’s not forget new vaccines are arriving daily).

    So… why the massive arguments about prioritization?

    Once again, this is more about control, than it is about saving lives.

    1. “more about control, than about saving lives.”

      As if it were ever about anything else BUT, control!

      Ask “Doctor” Wretched Hitler, our governor.

  4. Third option: if there is ANY vague or unclear wording in the distribution protocol, medical providers stop giving vaccines entirely, lest they give it to someone they think is eligible when they’re not.

    This goes double if — as I suspect, given Cuomo’s quick turn-around response time on this order — there’s no grace given to providers acting in Good Faith who make a simple mistake.

    Nobody wants to take on that kind of risk.

  5. I saw this after the article in the NY Post about the unauthorized people who were getting vaccinated. Who happened to be Orthodox Jewish. So I made a comment about Cuomo not wanting vaccine to go to the dirty Jews. So I won’t be on faceborg for a bit. So yeah it was wrong but tell me Cuomo doesn’t think that.

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