This was a comment I left where I first saw the video of the California couple getting arrested in Miami International Airport.  Since it did not fit the usual ACAB/White Supremacists, young dumbass here decided to move the goalposts to what the experts call “Low Hanging Fruit” level.

I had to do it. People like her are truly racist because they see Hispanic looking only one way: Deep brown skin, with Mexican hats and accents selling tacos and oranges after mowing their lawns. Any other colors, looks, etc  cannot to be processed because they do not fit the established parameters, specially since the amount of Hispanics that voted for Trump twice shocked them.

In some twisted way, they are following Martin Luther King’s quote but somewhat modified:

“…they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content and adhesion to Left Wing Politics.” 



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “When the moving goalposts hit you in the face.”
  1. Wow. The stupid & the racist is very strong with this one. SMH

    This “yankee girl” is likely the type of bag-of-mostly-vinegar you can take to any place in Central America and just watch how it collapses into an incoherent babbling fetal position. Alll because she cannot accept that the world is not as stupid and narrow-minded as she is.

  2. The “I can be drunk, and assault a hispanic cop because I’m black” defense. Might work in Cali or NYC, I suspect not so much in Florida.

  3. Once again, we have a privileged white progressive lecturing a minority about oppression. A common theme in today’s culture.

    It’s also funny that the main accomplishment of the modern Woke Race Theorist is to make Whiteness into a really big and inclusive tent.

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