Then, a week later, on the night of Sunday January 20, two nearly identical crimes were committed.

About 7, two young black men with a gun broke into the apartment of a couple of University of Rochester students and robbed them of electronics.

About 5 hours later, at midnight, two young black men with a gun broke into the apartment of a couple of Rochester Institute of Technology students and attempted to rob them.

The two home invasions took place in the same neighborhood of the same city on the same night.

In both cases, no arrests were made and no weapons were recovered. One was reported by police to the news media. Not a word was said about the other one.

via What The Police Chief Covered Up | Bob Lonsberry – ROCHESTER’S NEWS – WEATHER & TRAFFIC STATION.

Why one story was wildly publicized and the other not? One AR-15 led to a happy ending but it would have been a political embarrassment for the Chief LEO who supported the NY Ban on Guns.

I can imagine the bigger embarrassment now that the story is out.

Hat tip to Scott W. via Facebook.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “When the truth is inconvenient for political purposes.”
  1. Wow. Good story but too bad it’s being hushed up. And they wonder why no one wants to trust them.
    I guess the police just don’t want citizens to know we can do this without them.

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