INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — A billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the eyes of drivers, along with the ire of local Muslim groups.You can spot the sign from the southbound lanes of I-465 near the Washington Street exit. It claims to list the “perfect man,” but opponents say it degrades the Muslim prophet Mohammad.“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” said Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America.Opponents say the billboard’s bullet points are meant to disparage the Muslim faith and its primary prophet, Mohammad.

Source: Muslims appalled by ‘perfect man’ billboard in Indianapolis | Fox 59

What draw my attention is that there is no name in the billboard. So basically the Muslim “leaders” who rushed to get their faces on TV, has acknowledged that those accusations are directed to Mohammad.

The link will take you to a video where you will see Muslim spoke people condemning the billboard and planning or erecting some of their on to spread the message of love in Islam and other stuff.

None of them said what was in that billboard was false.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “When you are too eager to play the Victim Card.”
  1. “None of them said what was in that billboard was false.”

    They can’t because to deny any of it would be to commit blasphemy and say that their “holy-schmoly’ scriptures are incorrect.
    All of those points came directly from the islamic hadiths, even the one about mohamed being “The Perfect Man”.

    This is how you rub their noses in their own filth. They can not disavow the ‘truth’ of their religion

    We do have to acknowledge one thing however. mohamed didn’t consummate the marraige to Aisha until she was Nine. (just another fact to rub their noses in).

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