While the result did not favor well for Tennessee, the majority of fans were just happy to be back. A packed stadium comes as the spread of COVID-19 remains a concern for many.

Tarah Perry was at the game and says the stadium was packed.

“It was awesome. The crowd was really energetic, and everyone was having a really great time,” Titans fan Tarah Perry said.

A look at the stands and you’ll notice some who chose to wear a mask and others who chose to go without. Perry says overall she felt safe at the game.

“I mean everybody was out and getting back to things, so it was exciting to see it full,” Perry said.

Mostly unmasked fans pack out Nissan Stadium for Titans first regular home season game | WZTV (fox17.com)

Even the article is more of an admonition rather than plain accusatory finger pointing. Maybe some in the Media are finally getting the idea people are sick and tired of tales of the Boogie Virus Mass Death and the “need” to be properly meek medical and state subjects.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “When you can tell People are tired of the BS and seek Normality.”
  1. Yes, I do believe the media is just as tired of the panic theater as the rest of us. Seriously, even the most “government is our savior” journalist types must be getting bored writing the same tripe over and over again for more than 18 months.

  2. I still occasionally encounter a wild eyed, masked up doomer out in public, however all but the most insane have finally realized we aren’t going back to lockdowns and mass masking. Not because the Biden admin doesn’t want to, of course, but because we won’t tolerate it anymore en masse.

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