So on July 12th, 2019, as Hodge delivered food in northeast Minneapolis, she prepared herself for a routine traffic stop when she saw red and blue flashing lights in her rearview mirror.

Police body camera footage shows Minneapolis Park Police Officer Calvin Pham explaining that he pulled Hodge over because her phone was in her hand and she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.

But sixty seconds after approaching Hodge’s car, Officer Pham suddenly pulled his gun out of his holster and ordered the 42-year-old woman out of the car.

Driver held at gunpoint for having permit to carry settles with Minneapolis Park Board for $100K – Eyewitness News

So what erroneous move or attitude did she have that made the officer “fear for his life”?


In the body camera footage, which led to a six-figure settlement late last year, it is not clear why Pham pulled his gun.

The officer later wrote in his incident report that he believed “Jenice may have a gun” after he noticed a permit to carry card in her wallet. But Pham never wrote in his report that he saw a gun.

Do you want to bet Officer Pham is a firm member of “I am the only one” Club and faithful follower of at least one Gun Control organization? Because they are truly the only ones who have in their articles of faith that a citizen with a CWP is just a felon waiting to happen.


In the body camera footage, which led to a six-figure settlement late last year, it is not clear why Pham pulled his gun.


I believe that is not enough settlement. Make it eight figures next time and make it come out of the officer’s salary as well as his training officer and immediate supervisor.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “When you defund & castrate the police, only the scum remains.”
  1. Yes, the qualified immunity pendulum has swung too far towards “cops can do no wrong”. It needs to move back toward the middle.

    A turning point could have been with the Swedish (?) woman who was shot after _she_ called police for help.

    1. Not until police unions are eliminated.

      All settlements for misconduct should come from the police pension fund.

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