…fulfilling the needs comes naturally.

A former Tennessee official and her husbanded pleaded guilty on Thursday to illegally producing “hundreds” Tennessee driver’s licenses for sale to illegal immigrants.

Cheryl Huff and husband Mario Paz-Mejia, both of Knoxville, pleaded guilty to one “count of conspiracy to produce, without lawful authority, identification documents or false identification documents,” according to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which revealed in a press release that Huff abused her position at the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSHS) to create the illicit documents.

Ex-Tennessee Official Admits Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Fake Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants with Her Husband – Tennessee Star


For the measly sum of $2,500, an illegal alien would walk out with a very well backed TN DL or ID card, we are talking the real thing and not some photoshopped card printed in some obscure garage.

Paz-Mejia also assisted his customers in obtaining false citizenship and residency documents—two requirements to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license—including fraudulent lease agreements to establish proof of Tennessee residency, and false birth certificates, Social Security cards, and driver’s licenses from other states and U.S. territories to establish proof of citizenship or legal residency in the United States.

Huff used her access to TDSHS’s internal software to confirm that the names and information on the false citizenship and residency documents used by Paz-Mejia’s customers could be used to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card.  For example, on June 23, 2021, Paz-Mejia texted Huff the name, date of birth, and personal information used on false identification documents, asking Huff to “check that please.”  Huff responded, “All of these are not on file.  They’re good.”

After Paz-Mejia’s customers acquired false citizenship and residency documents, Paz-Mejia arranged to meet them at a Knoxville-area DSC before business hours.  With Huff’s assistance, Paz-Mejia escorted his customers into DSCs before business hours, including through a backdoor employee-only entrance.  Once Paz-Mejia and his customers were inside, Huff initiated driver’s license applications for the customers using TDSHS software.  Huff also instructed subordinate DSC employees to complete applications and issue driver’s licenses to many of Paz-Mejia’s customers.

Eastern District of Tennessee | Former State Employee and Her Husband Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Unlawfully Produce Tennessee Driver’s Licence | United States Department of Justice

Unless they kept a record of the licenses, those people (including military-age males of certain hostile countries) with the not-fake license are walking around with IDs that will survive any standard review simply because they were issued by the system supposed to be reliable and truthful.

But we are the biggest threat to the stability of our nation.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “When you have the clientele….”
  1. Now ask yourself about the processes in place for issuing a CCW, LEO credentials, or even NFA weapons and explosives manufacturing.
    This is truly some third world stuff.

  2. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can bet this type of corruption is going on everywhere. Once there is blood in the water, the sharks will come and create more blood in the water, and the cycle will only intensify. The USA has no southern border, tens of thousands of illegals are being paid to enter the USA under the protection of the federal government, every single day, so the state level corruption has to be at or above the same level of corruption.

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