It’s said that a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.

Rapper 50cent just saw Cuomo and Biden hiding behind a dumpster to jump him, kick the shit out of him, and rob him blind.

Welcome to the low tax club, if you apply for full conservative membership you get gun and free speech rights too.

I figured that he will join the rest of the way soon as his opinion is garnering quite a lot of race hatred from Progressives for leaving the Plantation where he’s expected to give 62% of his labors to the government master.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “When you lost 50cent…”
    1. I was young enough when I first heard _Taxman_ that I thought it was exaggeration. I later learned it was a fairly accurate description of the amount the Beatles were paying on taxes.

  1. “I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people”. So in spite of DJT being a racist… Damn, this BS never ends.

    1. Actually that’s good.

      I don’t want, necessarily, a good man for president. Or someone who’s friendly, nice, or good company over an adult beverage.

      I want someone who has the best interests of the country at heart, and will be effective in pursuit of them. That does not necessarily translate into likeable or nice.

      If someone on the Left can manage to make that distinction, and then draw some conclusions about who to vote for … I’ll take it.

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