You know they are gonna screw up where they live. Maybe we do need to institute some sort of passport restriction to move to Florida: New Yorker? Voted Democrat in any of the past 5 elections? Sorry, we cant take you. But we can find you a nice spot next to the “undocumented immigrants.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “When you pay a price for success”
  1. I really would like to see some kind of residency-length requirement for voting. Like 5 of the last 7 years or something.

    We had a lady move into my town from Nashville Proper, which I can *literally see* from my front yard. Within weeks she’s lobbying the mayor and the board of aldermen to get the zoning laws changed so she can put a tiny house in her backyard and rent it out, because she did that in Nashville.

    Zero regard for what the law was when she moved here, we should totally change it to suit her instead of her just not having moved here in the first place.

    She fought for like 3 years then…. Moved back to Nashville Proper after branding us “backwards hillbillies.”

  2. One of my favorite Califoricator stories: A couple, presumably from So. Cal. moves to Idaho to “get back to nature” and buys an acreage outside a small city. Apparently this was winter, or somehow, they missed the fact that a dairy farm was about a half mile away. Come summer, the wind shifts, and the couple is appalled that the horrendous stench caused by a large number of cows invades their personal Eden. They immediately petition the County Commissioners to rezone the area to prohibit dairy farms, or, alternatively force the dairy to institute odor control measures. Among the locals much hilarity ensued.

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