Jonathan and Geneva Solomon were surprised and excited when the Los Angeles Sentinel reached out to them to write a profile on their firearm training business, Redstone Firearms. The LA Sentinel is an African-American owned newspaper founded in 1933, and the Solomons cater primarily to the African-American community at two locations in the greater L.A. area.
It seemed like a good fit, and the journalist at the Sentinel wrote a largely positive piece emphasizing the Solomon’s commitment to safe and responsible firearms handling and ownership.
The day before the piece was set to be published, however, the Solomons were contacted by newspaper representatives who told them the piece was being pulled from the website due to political pressure. The representative specifically mentioned a gun control group called Mothers in Action, and Jonathan believes the pressure on the newspaper originated at even higher levels of power.
Exclusive: Historic LA Newspaper Pulls Pro-Gun Article Due to ‘Political Pressure’
I love the fact that the Democrats and Liberals go absolutely berserk against those minorities who dare have a thought that does not conform with the given script. It makes them pause and think about what we have been saying all these years: Dogma is on that side. Freethinking is on this side.
And I always found amusing that Black politicians and the KKK share a common belief: Black People Must Not Own Guns.
And we are the Fascists, right?
Yet when we exercise “political pressure” via contacting our congress critters, or asking for fair treatment in the press (not demanding the opposing view be silenced) we are buying politicians and advocating censorship.
I’m surprised an African-American newspaper would bow to “political pressure” considering the state of politics in So. Cal. in the thirties, forties, and fifties. Attitudes were not exactly friendly to civil rights activists at that time (better than in the deep south, but still…).
I’m not surprised. If the paper’s owners are the sort of people who think Al Sharpton is a good man, this is what you can expect.