From the Daily Mail:

‘It’s like the Hunger Games out there’: Hollywood elite desperate for Covid-19 vaccine offer $10k bribes to doctors in a bid to skip the line and receive jab early

Hollywood powerbrokers are offering doctors $10,000 bribes to skip California’s vaccine lines to get the coronavirus jab early.

One top Beverly-Hills medical practice claimed it has received dozens of offers from individuals – including entertainment stars – desperate to be vaccinated.

The situation is so bad that one senior entertainment executive described it as like the ‘Hunger Games’ as the rich and famous ‘fight for their lives’ to get the jab and bypass California’s sluggish vaccination rollout.

“We’re  all in this together, except we quarantine in mansions and collect royalties while we tell you to stay home, not work, and watch TV (which consequently generates more royalties for us), and when the vaccine comes along we bribes to get to the front of the line.”

It would be such a shame if some famous Hollywood plastic surgeon got vials of concentrated Botox that was mislabeled as COVID-19 vaccine.

It would be a shame…

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “When you think celebrities can’t get worse in the time of COVID”
  1. Meh, my vote is *in favor* of poly-tics-ians, celebrities, and all that sort of riff raff getting vaccinated *FIRST*

    If it works, we know it.

    If it is safe, we know it (because who here really thinks that they would stay off twitter, etc, with reports of adverse reactions?)

    And, if it fails, or is lethal, again, real America wins!

    BTW, I’m so old that I can remember when all The Right Thinking People swore that they would never consider The Trump Vaccine.

    Good times.

  2. If this is straight and not a story planted by the original sources as manipulative propaganda, what it shows is that, yes, they’re not faking it, they really are dumb. That vaccine isn’t that good. There was a meme circulating a while back on how many outspoken Hollyweird Dims were high school dropouts. I researched it a little. To do a really good job at it and close all the logical loopholes [example: come up with objective criteria to define Hollywood celebrity] would take more work than I was willing to put into it, but I extended the original set of examples, added the Libertarian category, and did enough to satisfy myself that the correlation is valid. Among those examples of politically outspoken celebs that I tabulated, Dims had an insanely high proportion of high school drop outs. Republicans had a surprisingly high % of people who majored in serious subjects in college. Libertarians had a notably high % of people who got kicked out of high school or college for being difficult. Yep, that’s my tribe all right.

  3. Based on previous behavior of Hollywood “elites” this is completely believable, which means it’s either truth or very well crafted disinformation.

  4. I have faith in our celebrities. (And our politicians, for that matter.)

    I think they can always get worse.

  5. And I would wager that almost every one of them who tried to buy their way to the ‘vaccine; crapped all over Lori Laughlin.

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